Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
1:05 | Words from Randy | Randy | Thanks to everyone for pitching in with the loss of Gloria. Randy is having regular meetings with Andrew for a sys-admin ticket system to help with computer support NAs are back in observing support with John Pelletier as the supervisor. We should have a full slate of NAs soon. Looking for a volunteer to help recruit/coordinate lunch science talks. February internal observatory effectiveness meeting moved to April, dates TBD.
1:11 | PIG Status | Jeff/Tyler | |
1:20 | PROGNAME and KTL history | Jeff | As long as PROGNAME is there, KOA is happy, but MOSFIRE, EIS, HIRES need PROGNAME keywords. Josh: We can lump MOSFIRE keyword in with migration to linux server KTL history can be very powerful, but only running for a few instruments. Maybe put into testAll or software startup to make sure that it is running. Josh: More complicated that just checking for pid. Carlos: Moelelo is where NIRC2 and DEIMOS keyword histories are running and it is in testAll and the KTL service has a heartbeat to check the process. Jim: I’m wondering if we’re running these in a central location do we need to distribute these checks to separate instruments, maybe we should treat it like a service if it’s needed for RTI. Carlos: Each user has its own script to start/stop server, so it is more instrument dependent. Look at the DEIMOS python testAll for an idea of how the check is done.
1:35 | CI Status | Jeff | It is 3 Months into FY, Jeff will start checking in monthly on CI projects. CI leads keep Jeff updated on project status. 3 CIs have been completed in Q1 including NIRC2 alad keyword accessibility.
1:42 | RTI | Jeff | RTI review on Feb 1 |
1:44 | Words from John | John | DDOI Review happened earlier this week. Review teams asked a lot of questions and pushing it forward. Now at the point where input from SAs and OAs will be userful. Want to make sure that it is as interface friendly as possible for OAs without increasing workload. By and large a pretty successful review and gives us a good path forward. John has the formal proposal from NASA to renew the cooperative agreement. He will be reaching out to staff for statistics and capabilities that will go into the proposal. There will be a February all staff meeting focused on strategic planning. Wednesday night John will be out of town for a week. SSC still planned for 8th and 9th of March with SA presentations. SA reports planned for day 2. Randy: Similar to NIKUG, but for SSC SAs should add a slide or two with more details on issues the SSC may be interested in. Also, a number of NSF proposals have been submitted including SCALES and the DEIMOS CCD upgrade.
1:55 | UNO event notifier PDR | Carolyn | Invite for PDR. SAs welcome to join and read the documentation. The notifier is a configurable system for alarms/alerts that users set up. Looking for SA feedback pass it along to Caleb Bluesummers. Carolyn sent an email about changes to remote observations. Discussion will happen at the next OA meeting. SAs are encouraged to attend that meeting. Carolyn is starting to work on summit cameras/microphones which will be a discussion at a future point. Carolyn has started a confluence page about some of the processes that Gloria was doing and how we can streamline some of her duties. 22B semester planning process has started. During this time engineering time is reserved (0.5n per inst) and instrument downtime is determined for larger projects. Requests due by next Wednesday Randy: Also 22B opening up ToOs for instrument changes in CfP.
2:30 | End | | |