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  • The other distorsion (based on an optical model of Keck) is done at PROJ_TO_MASK phase.GNOM_TO_DPROJ procedure.

Code Block
# GNOM_TO_DPROJ: adjust gnomonic coords to curved surface, take projection
# onto plane, and apply distortion correction, resulting in distortion-
# adjusted projected coords ready for a vertical projection to slitmask.
# Double inputs, outputs;  outputs may be the same arguments as inputs.
## NB: We assume Sutin's ray trace is already producing radii to curved surface.

procedure gnom_to_dproj (xg, yg, xd, yd)

double  xg, yg                  # x,y gnomonic projection
double  xd, yd                  # returned x,y projected on plane (distorted)

double  rho                     # radius of input angle (approx from h)
double  cosa, sina              # cos, sin of azimuth in image plane

        rho= sqrt (xg * xg + yg * yg)
        cosa = yg / rho
        sina = xg / rho

# Apply map gnomonic projection --> real telescope
        rho = rho * (1. + DIST_C0 + DIST_C2 * rho * rho)
        xd = rho * sina
        yd = rho * cosa

In this procedure, DIST_C0 = 0.0e-4 and DIST_C2 = -1.111311e-8