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To solve this issue, we have decided to use 12V-to-5V voltage dividers on each signal line, placed between the Galil outputs and the various devices. Voltage dividers were chosen over semi-conducture conductor options as they are analog and resistive-only (no capacitors) and therefore should not impact the signal timing.


Relevant “Digital Out” Sections from the Galil Manual (page 42)



Start of “Digital In” Section from the Galil Manual (page 48)


More follows in the manual. One thing SG is not sure of is how the ground wire from the external power supply gets connected?


Pin Designations from the Galil Manual (page 97):


In the above, the top Galil is called the “Shutter Galil”, as it was originally within the KPF system only to control two ‘source select’ shutters (see Appendix below).

Combining everything together leads to the following wiring diagram. Back-illumination LEDs are included here as a way to simplify their connections, in that their cabling could be shared with the source select shutters.


The same Galil is used for the Ca H&K exposure control. The though is Since similar (and fewer) devices are being controlled by the Galil for that system, ideally the same PCB could be utilized for the H&K system, with just some of the pins going unused.
