Very difficult - instrument will be off-line while this replacement happens.
Subsystem | Item Description | Manufacturer & Part Number | QTY in System | Cost / Lead Time* | Replacement Process Difficulty | Replacement Process Notes | General Notes | Spares in Hand | ||||||||||||
FIU | ADC prism rotators | Micronix PR-50-C0017 | 2x | $5500 ea / 10-12 weeks |
| Would required:
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FIU | H&K fiber stage | Micronix PPX-32CR-C0002 | 1x | $4500 ea / 10-12 weeks |
| Would required:
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FIU | Calibration Fold Mirror Stage | Micronix PPS-20-C0035 | 1x | $4400 ea / 10-12 weeks |
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Cal Unit | Octagon Stepper Motor | Thorlabs NR360S | 1x |
| The rotation stage is accessible; mechanically this is a straightforward change. The difficulty lies in re-aligning the fold mirror mounted on the rotation stage, so that is directs the light from all sources onto the various fibers. | |||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | ThAr Lamp | Photron/Green Science TBD | 2x |
| The lamps are easily accessible; | 1x Daily, 1x 'Gold' | ||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | UNe Lamp | Photron P863 | 2x |
| The lamps are easily accessible; | 1x Daily, 1x 'Gold' | ||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | HCL Power Supply | Photron P209 Hollow Cathode Lamp Power Supply | 4x |
| The HCL power supplies are easily accessible within Calibration Rack. | |||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | BroadBand Source | Thorlabs SLS201L | 2x |
| The broadband sources are easily accessible under Calibration Bench. | 1x Octagon, 1x Flat Field | ||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | Intensity Monitor Stage | Newmark MSL-50-21 | 1x |
| Mechanically the stage is easy to remove, and the intensity monitor detector is simply mounted (on a post with no careful alignment requirements). Marked as medium difficulty given the care required to avoid damaging the bare optical fibers within the Calibration Unit enclosure. | |||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | Filter Wheel | Thorlabs FW102C | 2x |
| Mechanically the filter wheels are easy to remove with no careful alignment requirements. Marked as medium difficulty given the care required to avoid damaging the bare optical fibers within the Calibration Unit enclosure. | 2x Cal Bench, 1x Flat Field | ||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | Compensator Motor | Newport TRA12PPD | 4x | Need TBD | 2x BS, 2x Fold | |||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | Shutters | Uniblitz DSS25B | 6x |
| Shutters are designed to be easily removable from their mounts. Marked as medium difficulty given time required to open the enclosure to access shutter, and care required while working around exposed optics and fibers. | 2x Cal Bench, 1x Flat Field, 2x SoCal, 1x HK | ||||||||||||||
Cal Unit | Etalon Super Continuum | NKT SuperK EVO | 1x |
| The SuperK is easily accessible within Etalon Rack. | |||||||||||||||
LFC | PCF Fiber | |||||||||||||||||||
Fiber System | Scrambler Timed Shutter | Uniblitz NS65B | 1x |
| Shutters are designed to be easily removable from their mounts. Marked as medium difficulty given time required to open the enclosure to access shutter, and care required while working around exposed optics and fibers. | |||||||||||||||
Fiber System | Scrambler Source Select Shutter | Uniblitz RS20B | 2x |
| Shutters are designed to be easily removable from their mounts. Marked as medium difficulty given time required to open the enclosure to access shutter, and care required while working around exposed optics and fibers. | |||||||||||||||
Fiber System | Agitator Motor | Galil BLM-N23-50-1000-B | 1x | |||||||||||||||||
Vac Cart | Turbo Pump | Leybold TurboVac 450iX | 1x | |||||||||||||||||
Vac Cart | Roots Pump | Leybold EcoDry 65 Plus | 1x | |||||||||||||||||
Vac Cart | Isolator Stepper Motors | Lin Engineering 4118M-06S-22RO | 5x |
| Requires venting main spectrometer vacuum chamber, and opening chamber door(s) to gain access to the motors under the optical bench. | |||||||||||||||
Aux Rack | Cryostat Ion Pumps | Gamma 3SDI1V5KNN (3S TiTan) | 4x |
| Requires venting main spectrometer vacuum chamber, and removal of a camera-access flange on the side of the vacuum chamber. | 500 hours at 1e-4mbar 5,000 hours at 1e-5mbar 50,000 hours at 1e-6mbar 500,000 hours at 1e-7mbar | ||||||||||||||
Aux Rack | LN2 Pumps | Instec LN2-SYS | 2x |
| The pumps are easily accessible on the LN2 cart in the basement. Marked as medium difficulty given the steps involved:
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LN2 Cart | Autofill Solenoids | 2x | ||||||||||||||||||
Temperature Sensors | Extra 1-wire Sensors |