Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
1:3045 | Words from Randy | Randy | Randy sent update on director search FY24 CI projects - think about instruments and software projects Randy will have some vacation/remote work starting Aug 16 for 2 months. Jim will be in charge when Randy is on vacation.
1:xx54 | Words from John | John | John on vacation Aug 4 - Aug 14, but will still be in contact FY24 planning is ongoing Went over engineering requests with Carolyn and Randy and will give response shortly Randy - need instrument availablity restrictions for 24A
1:xx57 | UNO | Joseph Rounsaville | UNO contact for instrument requests Once Joseph comes up to speed he’ll work with Bob on the requests Atlassian page has a lot of instrument specific requests if we can keep using that page to document everything that we want. Josh - must follow UNO requirements such as placing OAs and NAs on the summit. Link to Atlassian page: UNO readiness for Instruments
1:xx | KOA Realtime Data Download Update | Chien-Hsu | |
1:xx | Pyramid Wavefront Sensor Update | Max Service | |