Kevin McCann is adjusting his role. No longer management/council, will be semi-retired and lead green initiative.
Green Initiative details TBD …
Software group is now in two divisions. Science Software under John/Jeff.
Technical software under Jason/Kevin T.
No longer in charge of sysadmin, that group will report to Andrew O. until COO is on board.
sysadmin has been understaffed, but things are looking better for near future
Plan to increase bandwidth from HQ to summit: 1 G to 10 G
Summit to HNL up to 100 G
Upgrade to Spectrum WM-HQ network from 1 G to a balanced in/out line
Plan to improve Zoom/videoconferencing hardware at summit and in JNCR
Carolyn: better microphones in JNCR and summit please
John: will reiterate request
Carolyn: updates on COO position?
Randy: not sure, not on hiring panel, but in interviewing process
John: initial downselect to 10 candidates in phone interviews now
will interview 2-3 on site
Open SA position:
Talk from one candidate after this meeting
Additional chat time after his talk
Panel: Jim, Greg, Randy
Other candidates exist as well, are doing phone interviews
On order of 8 candidates which are good, 3 or 4 are really good
Not as deep of a pool as the last cycle
00Words from Randy
Words from John
Happy with Ball Aerospace/JWST test from last week. Gratitude from various aerospace and NASA folks.
Effects of a missing segment on science
Looking at time lost metrics for ACS problems, stuck actuators are biggest time lost item
Results in 1-2 hour loss to fix problem
Maybe we should do short troubleshooting, then kick segment out of stack and proceed with observing?
Wants feedback on this idea.
Could be a problem for imaging programs
Randy: consequences for rest of mirror?
Paul examined this during engineering
No effect on other segments
Carlos: pupil rotates in FOV on some instruments like DEIMOS, so matters where segment ends up. Don’t want it in slit. Need to control where it ends up.
Jim: will be training and procedures for SWOC for kicking segment out
Randy: how far off can segment be sent?
Percy: discuss with observing team during night
Josh: observers will want details on control and ability to ID segment (move it independently?)
Randy: how often?
Carolyn: several issues in last few weeks
November SSC and NIKUG Instrument reports prep
Nov 10 (Wed) SSC meeting contains our instrument reports