Versions Compared


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Comment: Tweaked example testAll script with style (PEP8) fixes and bug fixes.

Every Keck instrument has a testAll script to quickly check instrument and server health. It is used by the day crew and SAs as a diagnostic and troubleshooting tool. The script reads telemetries and reports warnings and errors. We will use the HIRES testAll as an example to build the KPF testAll.

Please note that the HIRES testAll script was written in perl which is not standard procedure now. Modern implementations use python and we should do the same.

Here is a KPF mockup testAll in python, based on the list of alarms we are developing. It will produce similar outputs as the HIRES testAll (see below) to report KPF system health.

View file

Code Block
#! /kroot/rel/default/bin/kpython3
import argparse
import os
import ktl
import subprocess
import re

description = """
testAll -- check KPF systems health

      Test all of the KPF systems to determine whether they are
      working properly. The script checks:
      - Check dispatchers health
      - Check aux rack temperature
      - Check vaccum

      Systems to check:
      - green instect dispatcher
      - vaccum pump dispatcher
      - green instect coldhead temperature
      - green ln2 dewar weight
      - vaccum pump bearing temperature
      - vaccum pump frequency
      - vaccum chamber pressure

      Keywords to check:
      - kpfgreen.d1
      - kpfvac.d2
      - kpfgreen.currtemp
      - kpflab.greenweight
      - kpfvac.pump_temp
      - kpfvac.pump_freq
      - kpfvac.vch_hivac

      GUIs to check:
      - FIU status GUI
      - Tip Tilt system GUI
      - KPF Status GUI

      With no input argument, all systems are checked.

Exit values:
       0 = normal completion
      <0 = warnings but no errors
      >0 = error

      1) To check instrument status:


Jan-27-2022     SY   Adapted from DEIMOS testAll for KPF
Feb-01-2022  JoshW   Style (i.e. PEP8) tweaks and bugfixes.


## Parse Arguments  ##
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog,
parser.add_argument('-s', '--systems', nargs='+', default='all',
                    help='Systems which should be tested',
                    choices=['computers', 'keywords', 'guis'],
args = parser.parse_args()

## Define constants ##
if == 'all':
    systems = ['computers', 'keywords', 'guis']
    systems =

STATUS = {'ok': 'OK', 'warning': 'WARNING!', 'error': 'ERROR!'}

COMPUTERS = {'kpfserver': 'Instrument target host', \
             'kpf': 'Linux virtual host'}

GUIS = {'FIU Status': ('FIU Status Display', 'kpfserver'), \
        'Tip Tilt Status': ('Tip Tilt Status Display', 'kpfserver'), \
        'KPF Status': ('KPF Status Display', 'kpfserver'), \
        'tklogger': ('Events logger', 'kpfserver'), \
        'pig_main': ('Program Identification GUI', 'kpf')}

KEYWORDS = {'green instect dispatcher': ('kpfgreen', ['D1']), \
            'vaccum pump dispatcher': ('kpfvac', ['D2'])}

HEALTH = {'green instect coldhead temperature': ('kpfgreen', 'CURRTEMP',['-145'],'warning'), \
          'green ln2 dewar weight': ('kpflab', 'GREENWEIGHT',['52.0 54.0'],'warning'), \
          'vaccum pump bearing temperature': ('kpfvac', 'PUMP_TEMP',['55.0 60.0'],'warning'), \
          'vaccum pump frequency': ('kpfvac', 'PUMP_FREQ', ['990 1100'],'warning'), \
          'vaccum chamber pressure': ('kpfvac', 'VCH_HIVAC', ['3.0e-5'],'warning')}

#telescope wrap

## Define functions ##
def check_systems(systems):
    # Verify host
    if os.environ['HOST'] != 'KPF':
        raise Exception('This command must be run on vm-KPF')

    # Check systems
    errors_total = 0
    warnings_total = 0 
    if 'computers' in systems:
        ecomp, wcomp = check_computers(COMPUTERS, STATUS)
        errors_total = errors_total + ecomp
        warnings_total = warnings_total + wcomp
    if 'guis' in systems:
        eapps, wapps = check_apps(GUIS, STATUS)
        errors_total = errors_total + eapps
        warnings_total = warnings_total + wapps
    if 'keywords' in systems:
        ekeyw, wkeyw = check_keywords(KEYWORDS, STATUS)
        errors_total = errors_total + ekeyw
        warnings_total = warnings_total + wkeyw

    if (errors_total == 0 and warnings_total == 0):
        msg = 'All KPF systems and computers are healthy'
        msg = f'{errors_total:d} errors and {warnings_total:d} warnings were issued'

    if errors_total > 0:
        return errors_total
    elif warnings_total > 0:
        return -warnings_total
        return 0

# Check computers #
def check_computers(computer_dict, status):
    Check communications with KPF computers.
    n_errors = 0
    n_warnings = 0
    print('Checking KPF computers:')
    for computer in sorted(computer_dict.keys()):
        computer_status = status['error']
        cmd = ['ping', '-c', '1', computer]
        process =, capture_output=True)
        if process.returncode == 0:
            computer_status = status['ok']
            n_errors = n_errors + 1
        print(f'  Checking {computer.ljust(24,"."):24}{computer_status:8} ({computer_dict[computer]})')
    return n_errors, n_warnings

# Check GUIs #
def check_apps(app_list, status):
    Check user applications.
    n_errors = 0
    n_warnings = 0
    print('Checking KPF GUIs:')

    # List all processes on kpfserver
    cmd = ['kpf', 'status']
    process =, capture_output=True)
    KPF_status_output = process.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')
    all_apps_check = []
    for line in KPF_status_output:
        if len(line) > 0:
            if (line.split()[0][0:4] == 'nirc'):

    # List all processes on vm-kpf
    cmd = ['ps', '-ef']
    process =, capture_output=True)
    all_ps_check = process.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n')

    for app in sorted(app_list):
        computer = app_list[app][1]
        app_status = status['warning']
        if computer == 'kpfserver':
            for process in all_apps_check:
                app_in_process =, process)
                if app_in_process != None:
                    app_status = status['ok']
            for process in all_ps_check:
                app_in_process =, process)
                if app_in_process != None:
                    app_status = status['ok']
        if app_status == status['warning']:
            app_status = status['warning'] + ' (ignore if observers not currently using KPF)'
            n_warnings = n_warnings + 1
        print(f'  Checking {app.ljust(24,"."):24}{app_status:8}')
    return n_errors, n_warnings

# Check keywords #
def check_keywords(keyword_dict, status):
    Check keyword health
    n_errors = 0
    n_warnings = 0
    print('Checking KPF keyword libraries:')
    for key in sorted(keyword_dict.keys()):
        if keyword_dict[key][1] == 'acs' or keyword_dict[key][1] == 'dcs':
            keyword_status = status['warning']
            keyword_status = status['error']
        ktl_error = False
        for keyword_check in keyword_dict[key][1]:
                keyword = ktl.cache(keyword_dict[key][0], keyword_check)
                keyword_status = status['ok']
            except Exception as e:
                ktl_error = True
                keyword_status = status['error']

        if keyword_status == status['warning']:
            n_warnings += 1
        if keyword_status == status['error']:
            n_errors += 1
        print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(24,"."):24}{keyword_status:8}')
    return n_errors, n_warnings

# Check health   #
def check_settings(settings_dict, status):
    Check KPF health
    n_errors = 0
    n_warnings = 0
    print('Checking KPF health:')
    for key in sorted(settings_dict.keys()):
        setting_status = status[settings_dict[key][3]]
        ktl_error = False
        out_of_range = True
            keyword = ktl.cache(settings_dict[key][0], settings_dict[key][1])
            if len(settings_dict[key][2]) == 2 and \
               (float(keyword.ascii) >= float(settings_dict[key][2][0])) and \
               (float(keyword.ascii) <= float(settings_dict[key][2][1])):
                out_of_range = False
                setting_status = status['ok']
            if (len(settings_dict[key][2]) == 1) and (keyword.ascii == settings_dict[key][2][0]):
                out_of_range = False
                setting_status = status['ok']
            ktl_error = True
            setting_status = status[settings_dict[key][3]]

        if setting_status == status['warning']:
            n_warnings += 1
        if setting_status == status['error']:
            n_errors += 1

        if ktl_error:
            print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8} not reachable')
            if out_of_range:
                if len(settings_dict[key][2]) == 1:
                    print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8} Current value {keyword.ascii} should be {settings_dict[key][2][0]}.')
                if len(settings_dict[key][2]) == 2:
                    if setting_status == status['warning']:
                        if (settings_dict[key][1] == 'ROTCCWLM') or (settings_dict[key][1] == 'ROTCWLM'):
                            print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8} (ignore if KPF is not selected in TCS) Current value {float(keyword.ascii):.1f} outside good range [{settings_dict[key][2][0]:.1f}, {settings_dict[key][2][1]:.1f}].')
                            print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8} Current value {float(keyword.ascii):.1f} outside good range [{settings_dict[key][2][0]:.1f}, {settings_dict[key][2][1]:.1f}].')
                        print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8} Current value {float(keyword.ascii):.1f} outside good range [{settings_dict[key][2][0]:.1f}, {settings_dict[key][2][1]:.1f}].')
                print(f'  Checking {key.ljust(55,"."):55}{setting_status:8}')
    return n_errors, n_warnings

## Main program ##
if __name__ == '__main__':


HIRES testAll is a perl script, scroll down to see the output texts.

View file
View file

HIRES testAll output

Checking HIRES computers:

Checking hccdvmep................OK (HIRES CCD crate)

Checking hmotcrate...............OK (HIRES motor crate)

Checking tserver1................OK (Lantronix)

Checking HIRES daemons:

Checking dispatcher.hinfo........OK

Checking dispatcher2.............OK

Checking infoman.................OK

Checking lickserv2...............OK

Checking traffic.................OK

Checking watch_ccd...............OK

Checking watch_expo..............OK

Checking watch_hirot_monitor.....OK

Checking HIRES applications:

Checking xhires..................ERROR! got 0 instances

Checking ds9.....................ERROR! got 0 instances

Checking ds9relay................ERROR! got 0 instances

Checking hires_dashboard.........ERROR! got 0 instances

Checking hexpo_dashboard.........WARNING! got 0 instances

Checking write_image.............ERROR! got 0 instances

Checking HIRES keyword libraries:

Checking CCD+infopatcher.........OK

Checking DCS.....................OK

Checking dispatcher 2............OK

Checking exposure meter..........OK

Checking HIRES settings:

Checking TV guider power.........WARNING! Current value 'off' should be 'on'

Checking Exp.meter power.........WARNING! Current value 'off' should be 'on'

Checking Enclosure lights........OK

Checking All 3 Doors.............OK

Checking ESTOP status............OK

Checking CCD temp setpoint.......OK

Checking system disable status...OK

Checking CCD temperature.........OK

Checking cryo lever position.....OK

Checking relative humidity.......OK

Checking autofill enable.........OK

Checking air pressure............OK

Checking current instrument......WARNING! Current value 'LRISADC' should be 'HIRES'

Checking XD brake status.........OK

Checking HIRES switches:

Checking camera focus cntrl......OK

Checking camera cover cntrl......OK

Checking collimator focus cntrl..OK

Checking collimator cntrl........OK

Checking decker cntrl............OK

Checking rotator cntrl...........OK

Checking echelle cntrl...........OK

Checking lamp filter cntrl.......OK

Checking filter 1 cntrl..........OK

Checking lamp select cntrl.......OK

Checking filter 2 cntrl..........OK

Checking slit cntrl..............OK

Checking hatch cntrl.............OK

Checking tv aperture cntrl.......OK

Checking iodine cell cntrl.......OK

Checking tv focus cntrl..........OK

Checking tv filt 1 cntrl.........OK

Checking tv filt 2 cntrl.........OK

Checking x-disp cntrl............OK


5 errors and 4 warnings were issued.
