Here is a list of the actions that make up the MOSFIRE testAll
Ping various computer/network hardware to confirm they are aliveStatus colour Red title NOT a KEYWORD kaimama
iolan1, control1, eds1, mpulizzi1, mpulizzi2, iolan1
Check lastalive keyword on software (Servers)Status colour Green title IS A KEYWORD mosfire, mcsus, mdhs, mds, mfcs, mmdcs, mmf1s, mmf2s, mmgss, mmgts
mtcs, mmprs, mp1s, mp2s, mpas, mscs, mtcs
Verify PIDs exist for softwareStatus colour Red title NOT A KEYWORD write_image
lickserv, fcstrack, ds9relay, lickserv
Check daemons (only if observing)Status colour Green title IS A KEYWORD watchrot, watchslew, watchfcs, autodisplay
Verify power statusStatus colour Green title IS A KEYWORD glycol_power = on, CSU_controller_power = on, CSU_drives_power = on, Jade2_power = on, computer_power = on, Lantronix_power = on, guider_focus_power = on, ion_pump_power = on, MAGIQ_guider_power = on, temp_control_power = on, motor_box_power = on, power_supply_power = on, FCS_controller_power = on, dewar_heater_power = on, CCR_1_power = on, CCR_2_power = on
Verify stagesStatus colour Green title IS A KEYWORD dust cover, : mmdcs status is OK, filter wheel 1, : mmf1s status is OK, filter wheel 2, : mmf2s status is OK, grating turret, : mmgts status is OK, grating shim, : mmgss status is OK, pupil rotator, : mmprs status is OK or TRACKING, CSU, : mcsus status is OK
Check SettingsStatus colour Green title IS a KEYWORD glycol flow (mdhs glysup = Flow)
detector temp (mtcs curtmp1 = 77 +/- 0.1)
bulkhead temp (mtcs curtmp2 = 120 +/- 1)
CCR remote control (mscs chremote = 1)
CCR 1 Speed (mscs dacout1r = 45 +/- 1)
CCR 2 Speed (mscs dacout2r = 45 +/- 1)
window heater voltage (mdhs tmp5 = 17.5 +/- 1.5)
CSU electronics temp (mdhs tmp2 = 0-30)
cabinet temp (mdhs tmp3 = 0-30)
thermocouple pressure (mpas g1str = 0-1e-4)
ion pump 1 pressure (mpas g3str = 0 - 1e-7)
ion pump 2 pressure (mpas g4str = 0 - 1e-7)
cabinet door status (mdhs ebaydoor = Closed)
FCS correcting (mfcs active = 1)
datataking system (mds ready = 1)
current instrument (dcs currinst = mosfire)
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Instrument States
For the above checks, we need two states: one for observing and one for daytime (ready? standby? we need a good term for this). We may also want to differentiate between being on the deck and on the telescope.
Can we determine whether MOSFIRE is on deck or on the telescope programmatically?
Determine observing by combination of multiple factors: telescope has been tracking (guiding?) recently, hatch has been open recently, telescope elevation is >0, detector has been exposing recently. These are just ideas.
Other ideas for things to check
Connected to ICE server, but probably covered in datataking system (mds ready = 1)
show -s mosfire csuextname
is not noneCheck
show -s mcsus csufatal
is not 1Check
show -s mcsus OPERTEMP
is 0
Mosfire Checkout (Incomplete)