Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
1:0109 | Grafana tutorial | Paul R. | 1:15Grafana is an open source response to Tableau vm-dashboards.keck.hawaii.edu, keck windows login username, NOT full email Can overplot many channels Can see your own dashboards as well as other people’s dashboards Renders Strings (pick different vizualization type) MUSIC based instruments included (maybe not HIRES sometimes), RPC ones are a little more iffy Paul is very happy to help!
1:32 | Words from Randy | Randy | Just back from vacation Keck Science Meeting Hybrid is moving forward, will be an in-person component John: SOC will send out list of talks/breakouts in the next few days Let John know about any urgent instrument updates
1:2537 | Words from John | John | |
1:38 | hiring update | Jim | Have 3 positions open On Mon 30th, Max Service will be starting as AO Operations Scientist Michael will be moving in to Luca’s old office, Max will sit where Michael is now Carolyn: OA Position to replace Cindy, filled by Matt Wall (from Subaru), starting 9/20 Carolyn: NAs are no longer in this group, just lost Andrew Deverse. Nick just hired new NA, Logan (replaced Koa), recruiting for NA to replace Andrew. Randy: SA position just opened, not on AAS JR yet, but posted in other places
1:44 | Update from Marc | Marc | Updates on KPF, KCRM, LFC KPF Still planning on delivery on schedule, ship Jan, arrived Feb Probably going to slip to April FIU: drawings done, will start fabrication Ship FIU to us for Feb Had a problem with detector, broke wire bonds, fixed and now re-testing Winlight is still source of delays
KCRM Will be late Winlight also a source of delays Shipping in May Randy: KCWI offline June 1 in latest announcement Team knows were now committed to this schedule No hold ups on our end. Primary work is guider. Have time in Oct to install on KCWI, but may not happen based on COVID restrictions and other delays Planning to move instrument from K2 to K1 dome cleanroom, Marc has prioritized this below KPF work
Jim: will RTC delays on K1AO cause collisions with KPF LFC Greg and Grant working on this mini technical review on Tuesday Purchases getting done, parts are arriving Delivery date is “early” in FY = Jan or Feb time frame KPIC up and running in summer for on sky science with FIU May do some testing with NIRSPEC before KPIC Not allocated a lot of time for this FY, but that will change for upcoming FY and it will have high priority for integration efforts
Jim: more Andor cameras are coming here. Are we happy with them for guiders? K1 ACAM DEIMOS ESI = retire PXLs
SCALES will be a project next FY for preliminary design Greg: Funding for HISPEC: proposal not funded HAKA not funded FOBOS not funded LIGER is MSRI2 proposal, passed pre-proposal, working on final proposal Proposals coming up: HISPEC, SCALES, DEIMOS upgrade, FOBOS (may put in MSIP design study), HAKA (resubmission)
2:12 | Pau! | | |