We have a lot to pick up from Gloria after she leaves. This is a place to document where the databases are and what to do with them.
Schedule changes https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/2ac0cf2d-3bd2-4a6b-8a44-bcefcdb8d7bd
Email aliases
For example: deimos_info, deimos_warning, deimos_alarm
SAs now can admin these lists. Not straightforward, but here’s how:
On Windows VM:
Search (magnifying glass icon in lower left) “cmd” to get a terminal window
Code Block rundll32 dsquery,OpenQueryWindow
Will open a dialog “Find Users, Contacts, and Groups”
Search for the email alias: “Name” → “Find Now”
Should appear in “Search results”
Double click to see “Properties”
Will let you Add or Remove members