Versions Compared


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Option 1 would consist on implementing this into python. Most of this has been done already. But we probably need to review the code and compare it with this flowchart.

flow chart


This is a flow chart for dsimulator.


  • The other distorsion (based on an optical model of Keck) is done at PROJ_TO_MASK phase.GNOM_TO_DPROJ procedure.

Code Block
# GNOM_TO_DPROJ: adjust gnomonic coords to curved surface, take projection
# onto plane, and apply distortion correction, resulting in distortion-
# adjusted projected coords ready for a vertical projection to slitmask.
# Double inputs, outputs;  outputs may be the same arguments as inputs.
## NB: We assume Sutin's ray trace is already producing radii to curved surface.

procedure gnom_to_dproj (xg, yg, xd, yd)

double  xg, yg                  # x,y gnomonic projection
double  xd, yd                  # returned x,y projected on plane (distorted)

double  rho                     # radius of input angle (approx from h)
double  cosa, sina              # cos, sin of azimuth in image plane

        rho= sqrt (xg * xg + yg * yg)
        cosa = yg / rho
        sina = xg / rho

# Apply map gnomonic projection --> real telescope
        rho = rho * (1. + DIST_C0 + DIST_C2 * rho * rho)
        xd = rho * sina
        yd = rho * cosa

In this procedure, DIST_C0 = 0.0e-4 and DIST_C2 = -1.111311e-8