We would like to get the following info for every instrument before EOB on Tuesday October 15 please.
Unless you decide agaisnt it, we will try to get one a portable battery (>1000W enough to power a big screen TV for 5-6 hours) for each instrument. I assume that they will be enough to power a Lakeshore, a heater, and maybe an ion pump. I will ask if this is enough power.
Also I would need the following info for each instrument:
Procedure Before power down:
How to prepare the detector
How to prepare the instrument
How to shut down the instrument
Order to shutdown servers. I would need names and IP address. IS will write script to be run in the morning to check that the devices are off before shutting down.
If devices need to be connected to a battery, please provide the names and labels. Also an idea of the required power requirement. It is ok if it is not known.
I would assume that all of this is done by the instrument teams in the morning before 8:30am running scripts on the servers. We would need a GO/NO-GO by 8:45am. Also specify if some of these steps are done the day/night before.
Procedure during the power down:
What to monitor assuming the Lakeshores/ion pumps are on.
Procedure to bring back the system
Ion pumps
Servers (order to bring them up)
What software needs to be running to control the instrument
Basic checks
Delayed Recovery
What to do if the recovery takes longer and we need to worry about warming up. What are the triggers for starting to pump? Assume that there is no communication to the summit (computer or phone) and that servers are down. I.e., what to check on the Lakeshore and ion pumps?