KPF: Pre-Observing | Observing | Post-Observing

2023-04-29 at 13:55 HST: KPF Green Detector deltaT=-4.9

The green detector went in to an odd state. The first symptom was the inability to take an exposure. A look at keywords revealed that CCDPOWER was not on:

2023-04-19T09:13:41.0630 CCDPOWER = On 2023-04-29T13:55:12.6123 CCDPOWER = Unknown 2023-04-29T13:55:22.6552 CCDPOWER = Not Configured

This timestamp (2023-04-29T13:55:12.6123) corresponds to when the detector temperature stopped reporting. Here’s a snapshot of relevant keywords:

2023-04-21T14:12:38.6366 TEMPSET = -140.0000 degC 2023-04-28T23:42:30.5979 EXPOSE = Trigger 2023-04-29T11:35:49.3206 EXPSTATE = Ready 2023-04-29T13:55:02.5943 STA_CCD_T = -100.000 degC 2023-04-29T13:55:12.6123 CCDPOWER = Unknown 2023-04-29T13:55:12.6337 STA_CCD_T = -100.001 degC 2023-04-29T13:55:22.6552 CCDPOWER = Not Configured 2023-04-29T13:55:22.6758 STA_CCD_T = -273.150 degC 2023-04-29T15:35:25.8610 EXPSTATE = Ready 2023-04-29T15:35:25.8610 CCDPOWER = Unknown 2023-04-29T15:35:25.8610 EXPOSE = Ready 2023-04-29T15:35:25.9069 STA_CCD_T = 0.000 degC 2023-04-29T15:35:30.2153 CCDPOWER = Not Configured 2023-04-29T15:35:30.2370 STA_CCD_T = -273.150 degC 2023-04-29T15:35:30.9103 TEMPSET = -140.0000 degC 2023-04-29T15:35:40.2146 CCDPOWER = Off 2023-04-29T15:35:40.2252 STA_CCD_T = -104.902 degC 2023-04-29T15:35:50.3138 STA_CCD_T = -104.903 degC 2023-04-29T15:36:00.3748 STA_CCD_T = -104.903 degC 2023-04-29T15:36:10.4220 STA_CCD_T = -104.903 degC 2023-04-29T15:36:20.4941 STA_CCD_T = -104.902 degC 2023-04-29T15:36:26.3987 CCDPOWER = Mixed 2023-04-29T15:36:26.4196 STA_CCD_T = -104.904 degC 2023-04-29T15:36:30.5592 CCDPOWER = On 2023-04-29T15:36:30.5813 STA_CCD_T = -104.904 degC

This is a screen shot of the kpfgreen.STA_CCD_T values on Grafana.

And a link to the green detector page (on the Keck Grafana instance) for that same time stamp

Here’s a link to the Slack discussion:

The problem wasn’t noticed until May 1. Will Deich noted:

kpfmon says that many heater components are off or at 0.  Not sure if that's real so I'm commanding them to their nominal settings.

Despite all heater controls apparently now correct, the STA CCD temp is continuing to run cold (-102.8, s/b -100.0, hasn't improved in the past 8 minutes).

The erroneous keyword values began when the kpfgreen service was restarted, at 15:35 on Saturday 29 Apr.

Before camerad restarted, it logged that the Archon controller had returned an error processing the POWERON command.Upon restart, camerad recorded that it sent the correct configuration values to the controller.  Perhaps ktlcamerad has a race condition in how it starts communicating with camerad, if they are both restarted at the same time, and perhaps that led to the incorrect reported values.  I'll look at that later.and lastly, the STA detector temp is headed towards -100.0