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1:03 | Words from Randy | Randy | |
1:17 | VSQ Changes | Gloria | Automating VSQ reservations Last item being automated is room assignment New web page has the schedule Goes from there to easy innkeep system (linked by Jeff’s code) They get VSQ commons code early Room number assignment won’t show up until 4pm on the day they arrive. Is that ok? Late is useful for us to be able to move people round due to late reservations Rosalie: get WiFi password ASAP? Along with VSQ commons code perhaps. Suggestion to base it on when room is ready, but that requires additional systems for reporting and monitoring that info.
| 22A Engineering | Carolyn | Email Carolyn about 22A engineering time needs. Typically reserve about a half night per mature instrument. KCWI will be available for much of this semester (offline in May), what is status of polarimeter?
| New code of conducts and meetings guidelines from DEI committee | Luca | DEI committee worked on code of conduct (CoC). Will be distributed soon. Luca presenting to us now, ahead of time, so he can do this before he leaves. There is a CoC online right now is a business code of conduct, which is driven by requirements of working with NSF. This CoC is different than that one. This is based on values. This new one will be incorporated in the old CoC to keep things simple. This new CoC is shorter (<1 page) than old one (several pages). CoC applies to observers (guests). Will have to acknowledge it.
1:54 | FY22 planning and 2021B Scheduling | Randy | Randy shows spreadsheet of hours in FY22 and projects If KCRM delivered in mid-May, need to distribute Luca’s hours and will require work from SAs. Including a lot prior to delivery. KPF shows up in Jan/Feb timeframe, near start of 22A This is still in progress, not finalized hours
Jim: New SA position? Not “fully approved yet” Jim: Level of that positions? Randy recommended entry level and put current people at “senior level positions” Randy: John will deal with DSI separately S21B Schedule
2:29 | Pau! | |