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1:05 | Detector characterization | Jim | What tools do we have? How do we report/store the data? Can we make something common? Josh did some work on this a few years ago, but paused because PypeIt and KeckDRPFramework were coming and we weren’t sure the future of it Where should the result go? Compare to various existing codes for the instruments @Josh Walawender think about how to organize this to store the data
1:18 | Grafana Use | Josh | Demo Grafana use for instruments |
1:34 | Remote Ops redesign | Carolyn | Carolyn sent out powerpoint with layout options Is there a constraint from Polycom cable lengths for extension mics? Many are 15 ft length. Jim: are there any designs on the floor space for use as offices or conference rooms which we should worry about? Shelly is coordinating office space issues, check with her for intentions and furniture. Carolyn: also think about what chairs would be good there Jim: will OAs need office space at HQ in an UNO era? Comments to Carolyn by end of next week
1:48 | Mask Submission Deadline | Michael | Deadline went from 4 to 5 weeks recently Web sites updated, reminder emails updated, DEIMOS news page updated Do we need additional announcements? We could send email to all DEIMOS and LRIS observers in next N weeks. Is the deadline mentioned in the original time award? No. Should we? Could put it on instrument availability page. Could add to allocation emails? Jeff can make that change.
2:01 | Pau! | | |