How to support & observe with HIRES

How to support & observe with HIRES

l0/ Log in into the remote obs. 1 computer
1/ Open a terminal on the remote obs. 1 computer
2/ start_all_vnc hires# -> All VNCs will start -> Set name of observers, num. of starting image = 1
3/ Menu -> Start ALL HIRES GUIs (with or without HEXOPOCON, only for planet hunters)
5/ Set up the observer in the GUI
4/ HIRES DASHBOARD (gui for exp. time)
- Click on the "Start here" button, click on "retrieve" the info from observers, and click "commit"
- Double click on the brown square, with exception of the letters. You will get a menu with the default settings of the observations. Change the observing options (most people just change the binning).
- Remember that if you want to change object or exposure time in that brown square, you need to click on set up CCD so that the time and object type are saved.

5/ HIRES: new gui with the HIRES mechanisms and optical path of the light.
- To start: click on ETC, and OPEN RED or OPEN BLUE, depending on the OBSERVATIONS
- Set up the echelle Angle
- Set up the crossdisperser angle according to what you have seen is better for your obs. in the simulator.
- Set up your filter for the cal lamps, default is ng3, but set up what is best for your observations.
- Set up your preferred split

6/ FILL IN DEWAR BEFORE STARTING CALS! or at least before starting the night! Do not expose while filling up the dewar, it will stop the dewar filling.

7/ Take a test bias. Check the bias and make sure that the OUTDIR did not change after the first exposure. Make sure that the exposure is saved where it should.

8/ Run calibration (CHECK OUT) script if the crossdisperser has been changed between blue and red after the last run (https://www.keck.hawaii.edu/realpublic/inst/hires/xdchange4.html).

-----> Remind observers to do an end of the night shutdown.

--- Check counts: Region/shape/projection -> to see counts in image dragging left button mouse

Further details and pictures of the GUIs can be seen here: https://www.keck.hawaii.edu/realpublic/inst/hires/startup.html

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