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1:05 | Words from Randy | Randy | All staff next week. Feedback from last all staff will be the topic. Looking at limitations on 2021A schedule to reduce workload on both night crew and day crew. Carlos suggests limiting offering certain modes, specifically VV and PyWFS. Also describe limitations based on DEIMOS CCD status
LRIS current plan: New LRIS red detector to be delivered to Keck in Jan/Feb. Commission in the months following. Refurb project on hold due to lack of resources under current operating situation.
Emphasize OSIRIS imager has some good qualities over NIRC2, encourage some users to switch. Describe inefficiency in NIRSPEC when using COADDS NIRSPAO and ESI will be in campaign mode, limiting number of reconfigs Back off of ToO? No LIGO. Seeing big uptick now due to end of semester. John: will be other ToO drivers. Maintain current limitations (no instrument changes, early notification, prep for remote observing ahead of trigger).
| Words from John | John | |
1:48 | Efficiency Ideas | Josh | Facilitize modes and capabilities User interfaces not engineering interfaces Focus on reliability Currently have 50 instrument tasks open and pending The 21A CFP includes a lot of info on limitations on instruments which is a symptom of this problem. List has been renamed to “Project Rumsfeld” as per John’s suggestion FY21 + COVID offers a unique opportunity to push this idea. Make this a standing topic for coffee.
2:17 | KSM Ideas | Josh | Training session on NIRC2 coronagraphy Remote Observing OSIRIS imager promotion? Is this better as a talk or poster or short video? Will breakout sessions have a captive audience during a virtual meeting? Exact format of posters and breakout sessions still TBD
2:26 | Pau! | | |