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1:00 PM
| Science Collaborative Budget for FY21 | Randy | Carries over if we don’t use it Randy wants to make budget for this year Carlos: can it be used for equipment? Yes.
1:06 PM | Words from John | John | Reminder: Email from Leslie about small group discussions Carlos: Format of SA candidate “visits”? Virtual interviews and a lunch talk. Sherry: should we bring a third candidate if we are expecting to hire 2?
1:14 PM | SSC Meeting | Randy | SSC Meeting will be virtual of course Risk assessments were popular, so we will continue presenting that Also keep “stoplight” color codes for progress. Have a slide on what you’re planning Target 4-5 slides unless there is a lot to cover for that instrument Have KOA and Remote Observing sections as well as AO and instruments Randy: have slack channel for each instrument? (like KSM) We should cover the NIRES-MOSFIRE-NIRSPEC comparison There are major topics for a few instruments, so some will need some time to cover it all. Do we want one slide deck for all of the presentations? One person then does the screen sharing. Gloria to assemble slide deck and Randy reviews content? John: can pass control of a common slide deck to others on Zoom (used during KSM) Timeline: draft 2 weeks before (Thurs Oct 29), final version 1 week before SSC (Thurs 5) John will make SSC prep channel and invite us, put slides there
1:45 PM | Instrument risk matrix review | All | |
2:00 PM | Remote observing software | Josh | Project to replace the manual handling of the SSH keys: Automatic assignment of SSH keys to specific users. SSH keys will be active for a limited period of time. Firewall information and passwords handled also automatically. Firewall authentication will change more frequently.
Deployment of secure API and other changes will occur relatively soon. Secure API will work behind the scenes. This will not be ready for the password changes scheduled for next week. Josh has requested to be able to bypass the API if for any reason the API fails. Give observers heads up.
2:10 | UNO All Sky Camera selection | Josh | There are two models of All Sky Cameras. High resolution camera (better lens and detector) or low resolution camera. High resolution camera has a remote focusing capability. Want a scientific case for the high resolution camera. Camera will probably be placed on the weather mask. Jim points out that there will be vignetting from the domes. More expensive camera requires less maintenance. We will get extinction maps and sky brightness. Cloudcam is probably close to dead. Frame rate between 10 and 30 seconds.
2:21 | Instrument Risk Matrix Review (continued) | All | NIRES DEIMOS NIRC2 LRIS KCWI MOSFIRE OSIRIS AO
3:00 | Pau! | | |