

Google doc of notes from Liz’s training session for new SAs on March 9, 2021: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RfVihE1AsHhdErKgGjE8qqOwgI8lfYoIBd8kmFYURQU/edit?usp=sharing

Twiki page on conk (from above doc): https://www.keck.hawaii.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/HowToSetupForConk

The Twiki page has notes on how conk works in linux-land using SVN/kdeploy.

Basics (Seems to be a mish-mash of conk methods below. OSIRIS uses SVN/kdeploy to conk accounts locally at the summit and not using hqcronserver)

The autoconk script and overall scheme is designed to setup the numbered instrument accounts in preparation for an observer's session. (conk stands for “Create Operational Numbered acKounts”).

Runs as 'master' instrument account (e.g. osiris) from a designated summit host (vm-osiris). Account must be able to ssh without password to each numbered account.


To see if an account has been conked, you can either:

  1. Log in to hqcronserver as the instrument account (e.g. lris) and run conk-check [instr].

  2. Look at the timestamp of the ~/.conked file in the home directory of the relevant account.


To force the conking of an account:

Log in to hqcronserver as the instrument account (e.g. lris) and run autoconk -f -m [m] -M [M] replacing [m] and [M] with the min and max numbers of the numbered accounts you wish to conk.


To make changes the contents of a conked account’s home directory:

Navigate to the config sub-directory of the source. This is typically the instrument account (e.g. ~mosfire or ~lris). The actual sources are listed in the code for autoconk, an example of what this looks like (as of 2021 April 26) is:

# define summit home directories for numbered accounts... my( %summit_topdir); $summit_topdir{'hires'} = '/net/hiresserver/local/home'; $summit_topdir{'lris'} = '/net/lrisserver/usr/local/home'; $summit_topdir{'k2nirc'} = '/net/nirc2server/home'; $summit_topdir{'esi'} = '/net/esiserver/u'; $summit_topdir{'nirspec'} = '/net/nirspecserver/waimea/'; #$summit_topdir{'deimos'} = '/net/deimosserver/local/home/'; $summit_topdir{'deimos'} = '/net/deimosserver/usr/local/home/'; $summit_topdir{'osiris'} = '/net/osirisserver/home/'; $summit_topdir{'mosfire'} = '/net/mosfireserver/usr/local/home/'; $summit_topdir{'kcwi'} = '/net/kcwiserver/usr/local/home/';

The contents of the config directory (e.g. ~mosfire/config) are what will populate a conked account’s home directory (including the dot files). If you edit a file (e.g. ~mosfire/config/.cshrc) then conk a numbered account, the edited file should now be in the conked account’s home directory.


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