2020-05-19 Meeting notes
May 19, 2020
@Josh Walawender
@Carlos Alvarez
@Randy Campbell
@Greg Doppmann
@Jim Lyke
@Elena Manjavacas (Unlicensed)
@sherry yeh
@Percy Gomez
@jguerra (Unlicensed)
@Luca Rizzi
Lahaina Noon is at 12:19pm in Waimea today!
Discussion topics
Questions about PIG-less instruments.
Questions about SSH keys management on instrument accounts.
Keck I restart plans
HQ/VSQ use by night staff
Instrument recovery and reconfig issues
SSC agenda
instrument engineering needs
(optional) https://keckobservatory.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SSCG/pages/56295464
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
11:35 | Meeting Time Change? | Josh/Randy |
11:37 | Keck 1 Restart | Randy |
11:59 | HQ/VSQ Use | Randy |
12:01 | Observers | Randy |
12:03 | Recovering other instruments | Randy |
12:17 | PIG-less Instruments | Carlos |
12:37 | SSH key managements on instrument accounts | Carlos |
12:44 | SSC Agenda | Randy |
12:46 | June Engineering | Randy |
12:47 | Requirements for DRPs | Luca |
12:52 | Pau! |
Action items
Closed Dome Engineering for Wednesday
K1 AZ Brake problems, no Az moves tonight. probably no dome flats but still checking , RC 4:18 pm
OSIRIS - Dome flats to align internal OSIRIS pupils to telescope - about 30 minutes
MOSFIRE - Dome flats to exercise components and test new calibration script.
OSIRIS - Dome flats as function of internal pupil and rotator angle.
JL note – Happy to let MOSFIRE take the lead on Wednesday. OSIRIS can take Thurs, Friday, Saturday, etc.
GD note - HIRES has been fully checked out and is ready to go if needed. I can’t think of any closed dome tests using it tonight though.