SSG is led by John, Luca, Jeff Mader
Other part of software is Kevin Tsubota’s group which does lower level and facility software
Want to promote collaboration between SAs, OAs, and SSG
How to come up with tasks which are done within the ops hours assigned to SSG
When is an ECR needed? We need good s/w practices.
Is Instrument Task Group effective? If so, we can use a similar model.
Randy: ITG may have some of these tasks already
Luca: original SSCG tried to do this by using 2 reps from SAs to help other SAs then
Jim: SSCG reps can help other SAs do their own software in appropriate cases and help them use good practices
Randy: we should have kick off meeting to let people know what templates exist
Jim: will help with organization: where things go in repo, name collisions, etc.
Randy: Our group setting priorities would be good.
Randy: reinstate SSCG Jira page and collect ideas
Kyle: Grab content from John’s Project Rumsfeld: Addressing the known unknowns with the army you have