- Try reduce speed to 200 steps/s
– scans looked bad, spotty. - Try reduce acceleration
Try changing om4s homing speed - om4s homing speed is 400 steps/s, try increasing speed up to 400 steps/s
– scans looked bad, spotty. - Try moving between narrowband and broadband and see if it is reliable
– stage arrived to narrow band correctly but appeared lost in OSGUI
– stage arrived to broad band correctly - Move between Broad and Narrow in steps. Go to an intermediate location (stage will be lost), drive in steps the known amount and see if the switch is triggered (stage will no longer be lost)
– stage remained lost the whole time. arrive to some locations 1 step short or 1 step too far, arrived to some locations correctly.
– this is seen in both directions - Check whether scan_number locations are defined correctly