OSIRIS lenslet mask performance
This is a page to track lenslet mask performance issues and the steps we take to troubleshoot. So far the lenslet mask performance has become more unreliable. Due to the lack of encoders, there is no feedback to track which lenslet mask position is really in use. The unreliable behavior has made it more difficult and time consuming to make rectification matrices.
Default lenslet mechanism setting:
speed = 300 steps/s
acceleration = 200 steps/s/s
homing speed = 400 steps/s
A few things to try to troubleshoo
– scans looked bad, spotty.
– scans looked bad, spotty.
– stage arrived to narrow band correctly but appeared lost in OSGUI
– stage arrived to broad band correctly
– stage remained lost the whole time. arrive to some locations 1 step short or 1 step too far, arrived to some locations correctly.
– this is seen in both directions
From stepped scans, a new slope is determined (named locations vs. flux peaks), and named location values are updated.
Now recmat scans are normal again.
– mask stage was suck at Scan 2, no light.
– with every 10 steps and every 6 steps. Uneven illumination, plots in 200616 scans page.
– Saw no light at all. ofls is running on napili.
Very low flux in the first 1/3 of the scans when scan direction is reversed. When going the default direction, fluxe drops in the last 1/3 of the scans. om4s stage is slanted at 45 deg, and the default scan direction is “going up”. The physical top 1/3 of the scan positions in om4s stage is problematic.
Perhaps the flat lamp has died, saw no light at all in scans taken after 6/6. Flux in scans taken on 6/6 was orders of magnitude fainter than what it should be.
If the flat lamp was failing, it could explain spotty illumination in previous scans. The lamp brightness would have become unstable.
There were RPC errors, lenslet stepping errors, and lenslet stage motor update errors.
ofls keyword service is moved to osirisbuild.
On napili,
[760] osrseng@napili: source ~/.cshrc
[761] osrseng@napili: lamp var
variable = 0
Problematic recmat scan symptoms:
After about 100 scans (in narrowbands) lenslet fluxes drop significantly and become uneven
Uneven lenslet fluxes in every scan