Subsystem | Status at Pre-Ship Review | Current Status | Outstanding Issues That Affect Operations | Outstanding Issues For KPF Team |
Ca H&K Spectrometer | | | | |
Calibration Unit | Could not fully test the Calibration Unit at SSL since compensator motors had very long lead and were not in-hand. Calibration Unit was set into a state that allowed use but was not the final configuration.
| New plan is to not use motors but purchase filters with higher tolerances. This will make for a simpler system going forward (and one easier to maintain as 4 less motors involved, no look-up table to maintain)
| There have been issues with Photron lamps and power supplies: Going forward KPF will use Green Scientific lamps and suppliesHowever there are still 3x Photron power supplies in the system Filter purchase waiting on funding; will install filters during servicing mission.power supplies
| Servicing mission items: |
LFC | | | | |
Etalon | | | | |
Cryostats/CCDs | Fully passed majority of requirements Fringing was significantly worse than requirement, plan was to correct in software
| Some fixed-noise patterns on CCDs caused by insufficient grounding Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) issue on one quadrant of Green CCD Fringing patttern pattern still present
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Environmental Control System | | | | Servicing mission items: |
Exposure Meter | | | | |
Fiber Injection Unit | | Centering stars on fibers has proven proved to be challenging FVCs have been more challenging to use than expected. Prisms within Science arm ADC appear to not be set correctly
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Optical Fibers | | | | |
Agitator | | | | |
Instrument Control Software | | All dispatchers now operational “testall” script in regular use Alarm system fully functional with important alarms in place Archon has occasional trigger-signal issues Backup computer is on summit but not operational (needs OS installed)
| | |
Observing GUI | | | | |
Spectrometer | | Fiber block in reformatter is slightly out of alignment Green channel focus is soft in one corner of CCD Flat field fiber system needs slight realignment Ion pumps on cryostats are generating low levels of stray light
| | |
SoCal | | | have asked Ryan to fill in | |
LN2 Autofill System | | Initial tests showed major heat losses within transfer plumbing, which caused GN2 back-pressure issues and prevented dewar fills System was completely re-designed to correct these issues Autofill system now in regular use, and KPF dewars are filled from supply dewars located in K2 machinery room
| have asked Grant for a blurb | |