m obdb=0
check with s obdb
must be ~0.mm for home
to put the dichroic in as pwfs@vm-pwfsserver
must be between 0 and 1V
amplitudes centers
Ok: 550 0.16 0.17 0.50 0.50 0.00 90.00
channels for center: k2:ao:pmod:offsetX k2:ao:pmod:offsetY
so the position must be 0< | center + amplitude| < 1
scale is ~ 1V/arcsec
CRED2 Display
ssh -X nfiudev@nfiuserver
[nfiudev@nfiuserver ~]$ cd src/sce
[nfiudev@nfiuserver sce]$ TrackCam tint 0.002
[nfiudev@nfiuserver sce]$ ./psfDispTiny.py -s /tmp/TC_Display_images.im.shm
PyWFS Quick Access
Launch with
[pwfs@vm-pwfsserver ~]$ prtcQuickAccess.py
to center the modulator:
open the loops
center modulation