PyWFS Tips and Tricks

PyWFS Tips and Tricks

Dichroic Control

to take the dichroic out (from https://www.keck.hawaii.edu/twiki/bin/view/Main/PyWfsOpsRevert):

m obdbnmdm=home


m obdb=0

check with s obdb must be ~0. mm for home

to put the dichroic in as pwfs@vm-pwfsserver


check with show -s ao obdb and it should show ~220. mm


must be between 0 and 1V

amplitudes centers

Ok: 550 0.16 0.17 0.50 0.50 0.00 90.00

channels for center: k2:ao:pmod:offsetX k2:ao:pmod:offsetY

so the position must be  0< | center + amplitude| < 1

scale is ~ 1V/arcsec





CRED2 Display (Tracking Camera)



  1. Bring up an xterm: pwfs@vm-pwfsserver (from the k2aoserver-new VNC pull down)

2. ssh -X nfiudev@nfiuserver (the usual AO password for VNC)

3. [nfiudev@nfiuserver ~]$ cd src/sce

4 [nfiudev@nfiuserver sce]$ ./psfDispTiny.py -s /tmp/TC_Display_images.im.shm


Another option is to bring up the VNC where the FIU camera is running an eavesdrop on that:

nfiuserver:2 <usual AO password>


PyWFS Quick Access


Launch with

[pwfs@vm-pwfsserver ~]$ prtcQuickAccess.py

to center the modulator:

open the loops

center modulation


PyWFS AO screens: k2aoserver-new:2


Instructions for Restarting the PyWFS camera (Saffira): (from Sylvain)

Symptom: PyWFS Camera (in the PyWFS status) shows red and says it is powered off

Clicking on it and rebooting/restarting the camera server does NOT resolve this.


  1. Connect to the RTC: ssh -X prtc@prtcserver

  2. showRTProcess: it opens a window and the 2nd process from the top is partially crash

  3. Ctrl-c to restart the process

  4. Then connect to: ssh -X pwfs@vm-pwfsserver

  5. Issue command: prtcRestartCOM (takes about 5 sec, then you should be able to reacquire the camera)

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