Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
11:30 | Words from John | John | Had a good meeting with PypeIt team about MOSFIRE requirements Marc and Carolyn have been tasked with return to operations strategy Group to think/brainstorm about return to operations project for the summit All MK directors are looking at recent Gov order MK observatories trying to get included in the non-essential business to return to operations during phase in How are other observatories coping? John says depends on scale. Everyone wants to get back to ops.
11:36 | Words from Randy | Randy | Randy sent notice to May observers reflecting current situation/uncertainty. Return to ops, work around a few assumptions: Would there be an opt-out option without retaliation? If employee has vacation to use and chooses to use it Randy science Ops restart, or lack thereofto do rolling cancellation of observing nights. Through May 10 for now. Day crews will likely need ramp up time after we get access back. Do we bring one telescope back on sky before the other? Maybe not, 2 is not much harder than 1. Will we make schedule adjustments? An instrument like LRIS may not be ready quickly. Might shift programs or do engineering. Can have long slit ready sooner (for LRIS and DEIMOS), so perhaps cancel MOS runs on different schedule? Instrument reconfigs will likely not happen during first ramp up period because multiple techs needed in small area. Keck will likely have its own requirements, procedures, protocols to convince state for return to operations. One will likely limit people working in close proximity.
12:13 | Review of action items | | completed VNC passwords for [instr]eng to be changed: NIRSPEC, HIRES, MOSFIRE, OSIRIS done and confirmed Should we eliminate the showpasswords script on the old Sun machines?
12:16 | PypeIt Requirements | Josh | |
12:20 | Instrument Scripts | Randy | |
12:23 | Email | Randy | Observatory is migrating to Office 365. MS Teams is being proposed as alternative to Atlassian suite due to relationship with Office 365 Remember: MS Teams and Atlassian suite are not one to one replacements for one another
12:37 | Data taking | Luca | For engineering data, if you take data in a numbered account, it goes to a PI. This causes KOA people to have to manually reassign data. Use eng account when possible. If you have to take data in a numbered account, set OUTDIR to a non-standard directory (i.e. \tmp ). Interface with KOA if you need to take data in numbered accounts, so they can handle the data properly. For instruments which don’t use PROGNAME: Data in numbered account gets assigned to a PI who is on the schedule for the night Data in eng account is ingested by KOA as engineering data and made public Data sent to other directory (i.e. /tmp ) is not ingested.
12:51 | Pau! | | |