Subsystem | PSR Requirements SummarySubsystem | Status at Pre-Ship Review | Current Status | Outstanding Issues That Affect Operations | Other Outstanding Issues For KPF Team |
Ca H&K Spectrometer | | Trouble with trigger signal to start exposures (troubleshooting underway) Does spectrum need to be moved? Has on-sky throughput been checked?has meant it has not been in regular use On-sky throughput measurement still TBD
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Calibration Unit | Could not fully test the Calibration Unit at SSL since compensator motors had very long lead and were not in-hand. Calibration Unit was set into a state that allowed use but was not the final configuration.
| New plan is to not use motors but purchase filters with higher wedge-angle tolerances. Filter purchase waiting on funding; will install filters during servicing mission. This will make for a simpler system going forward (and one easier to maintain as with 4 less fewer motors involved , and no look-up table to maintain)
| Lamp issues, power supply issues Now perhaps solved with There have been issues with Photron lamps and power supplies: Going forward KPF will use Green Scientific lamps and supplies?power supplies
| Servicing mission items: |
LFC | | Comb has been operational but there has been significant down-time due to Menlo hardware and software issues. Flux in blue orders (< 500 nm) is intermittent and the bluest orders (445-480 nm) is missing from nearly all spectra.
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Etalon | | Current etalon has been used regularly though the Doppler stability is not well tested over long periods because the other testing sources have had irregular availability during the past month or so. Initial results are promising on the < 1 day timescale. However etalon light source (SuperK) is failing Is this our final etalon? Plans for a replacement?or moving out of alignment
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Cryostats/CCDs | Fully passed majority of requirements Fringing was significantly worse than requirement, plan was to correct in software
Has fringing correction been looked at yet? (science impact not operational) CTE issue on one Green quadrant Low-level illumination pattern on CCDs seen from ion pumps. This increases the effective dark current and limits faint-object performance.
| Some fixed-noise patterns on CCDs caused by insufficient grounding A new charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) issue on one quadrant of Green CCD Fringing pattern still present Ion pump issue still present
| | Change readout mode on Green CCD to avoid CTE issue Investigate ways to minimize fringing impact within DRP Hardware fix for ion pump issue during servicing mission
Environmental Control System | | Thermal enclosure to be installed later this year. Linear potentiometers not in regular use (will be re-initialized during servicing mission) Gate valve position monitoring not yet implemented (will occur during servicing mission)Temperatures in KPF Alley are more variable (~0.5 C) than expected based on pre-installation measurements.
| | Servicing mission items: Install thermal enclosure bring linear potentiometers online (these provide bench position feedback) bring gate valve position feedback online
Exposure Meter | | Have we checked this? “The flux at the EM detector shall be at minimum 1% of the flux at the main spectrometer CCD” Above also needed for automatic exposure termination Has that been done tried yet??
| Fiber Injection Unit | •Optical | | | |
Fiber Injection Unit | | Centering stars on fibers is difficult to measure and likely not meeting the requirements ADC performance is difficult to measure precisely and is likely not meeting the requirements FVCs have been more challenging to use than expected Prisms within Science arm ADC appear to not be set correctly. Detailed discussion in /wiki/spaces/KPF/pages/1537441840 and /wiki/spaces/KPF/pages/1537671297 ADC prism counter-rotation offsets likely not correct
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Optical Fibers•All | | | | |
Agitator•Was | | | | |
Instrument Control Software•Nearly | •Minimal | Update: All dispatchers now operational “testall” script operational and in regular use Alarm system fully functional with important alarms in place
To-do: | | |
Observing GUI | | | | |
Spectrometer | | Fiber block in reformatter is slightly out of alignment Green channel focus is soft in one corner of CCD Flat field fiber system needs slight realignment
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SoCal | | | | |
LN2 Autofill System | | Initial tests showed major heat losses within transfer plumbing and GN2 back-pressure issues which negatively impacted dewar fills, and introduced significant thermal transients in the spectrometer System was re-designed to correct these issues Autofill system now in regular use, and KPF dewars are filled from supply dewars located in K2 machinery room
| Need an automated, daily check that fills have completed successfully and sends out alerts if not. Swapping 180 liter supply dewars every other day represents unanticipated labor. Maintenance of LN2 plumbing (vac lines, solenoids) Potential need to purge KPF LN2 lines if ice accumulation issue has not been solved.
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