1:02 | Words from John | John | John observed from RO2 last night. Was nice. Starting strategic planning process Process will be different for SAs this time, less “cat herding” Avenue for input in to process in ways unique to SA group. 15 year outlook, full strategic plan, not just science strategy How will SA position evolve over that time? John will engage SSC at March 10-11 meeting
Summit is transitioning to tier 3 soon
1:08 | Words from Randy | Randy | Randy: Role for SA group in strategic plan will be be to have input based on our knowledge and experience. Balance so it does not become over burdensome (like last time). Josh: Will there be lessons learned exercise from last one? Yes. John: timeline will be John: decadal survey will deliver in “Spring” (= June) Performance Evaluations Roy's email has details. Self eval first. Will use Trackstar 1-5 rating. 3 is very good score, 5 is “Tom Brady level” Try not to use rose colored glasses, useful feedback HR will send trackstar info for on line filling out of form
Jim: summit personnel limit to 21, less stringent restrictions on A/B team switch, can we find out more so we know how to get help on summit and who is available? Still 2 difference schedules, but less worry about overlap. On Wednesdays, much of both teams will be up.
1:18 | Outreach Ambassadors | Shelly | |
1:28 | Help Desk for Observing | Josh | |
1:30 | Return to Office | Luca | Some responses on page already. Top priorities so far: update infrastructure, Zoom hardware, improvements to RO, survey of individual needs Jim: infrastructure item could be sub-divided (network? office hardware?) Randy: What is COVID specific? Conference rooms Wireless capability
1:34 | COVID Safety | Randy | |
1:46 | SA Training | Randy | Randy has spreadsheet of training topics Josh: Perhaps turn in to confluence page so we can break each item out in to a mini-syllabus, so we know what each is covering to avoid overlap. Jim: what does “arrive” mean in the current situation?
2:02 | Pau! | | |