Procedure for requesting early release of instruments/telescopes (Carlos)
Who is handling which of Gloria’s duties, so that we know who to contact (VSQ rooms, Remote Obs tickets, scheduling changes, etc) (Rosalie)
What present to get Gloria, even if the surprise is ruined (Rosalie)
What is the best way for observers to find the phone number of their SA when they want to initiate contact ahead of observing? One idea is to have the SA numbers listed within the observers' login page. SIAS only shows them if they are inside the keck network. (Greg)
UNO wants to start planning changes for Remote Ops/HQ for OAs. Best ways to include the SAs in this process? (Carolyn)
Discussion topics
words from Randy
Welcome to Chien-Hsiu Lee. His office is in the Kohala wing down by the coffee station.
We have started week by week covid testing and will adjust operations plans accordingly
SA Support Schedule version 1 is out
send notes to Randy
As commissioning projects come online, we’ll have to exchange support nights to free those staff up
words from John
Give kindness and leeway to summit crew with the short staff due to covid
AAS canceled with next meeting in Pasadena in June
JWST deployment continues, representing an amazing NASA achievement and an opportunity for Keck to play a supporting role
Waiting for results from company wide covid testing and how it impacts the operational model
We will be taking a look at organizational strategic planning
Q: Greg: We are 4-5 SA meetings from the March SSC meeting, what are the dates?
A: March 8 or 10- SA presentations on first day. John would prefer it be in person.
DDOI preview
This is the biggest year for DSI
DDOI is customer facing and back end databasing
Combines observation planning, calibration association, and observation execution
DDOI software conceptual design is finished and a software design review is scheduled for Jan 18th and 19th.
Next step is to build user interface components and test them with the SA help
Also would need SAs to assist with the instrument specific translation layer from generic scripts to explicit commands
Also assist with minimum set of calibrations and observation templates
Timeline of starting testing in spring
Ideally by end of year we will have 4 instruments pushing DRP data products
Q Rosalie: To what degree can we change the DRP going to KOA?
A: Having a uniform data product in the archive is important and the users can run the DRP on their own
Q Randy: Display and analysis tools - is DSI taking this on?
A: Dependent on the pipeline and instrument, but the problem comes from staying up to date on keep up with changing visualization code, but the Keck tools would be generic e.g. DS9 or an astropy 1d spectral visualization or qfitsview. But we want to be as iterative as possible with staff
DSI will be deployed when it is ready with the iterative help of SAs
John ran a python script and found 2021 is already 3rd or 4th most productive publication year
Strategic planning update
Good meeting in December and John is writing up the executive summary
White paper inputs are done, just shy of 40
February organizational effectiveness meeting
What does it mean for SAs in 10 years?
Q’s will be sent out prior to that meeting
instrument config form deadline
Having problem with late instrument form configuration submissions specifically for split nights
Worried about over stressing the summit with late changes
Possible solution is similar to late slitmask submission deadline with John setting a strict deadline
Percy: 2 problems
split nights with two configurations and lack of communication with both groups
2nd issue is late configuration changes which sometimes are perfectly valid
Carlos: Cases where first night of long run, the schedule to load new filters is one day before the run starts to put the the instrument switch, so the configuration form might be submitted too late if it is submitted the day before.
Percy will follow up with Jeff to see if there’s a software solution for the split nights.
UNO - Remote Ops changes
Starting to look at Remote Obs changes at HQ for OAs.
Looking for feedback from SAs on how they want to be engaged in the process
Carlos: Want a meeting with OAs and SAs from the beginning
Randy Q: Separate from workstations?
A: Yes, separate issue. More about how we use the space. E.g. Are the OAs somewhere else? Everybody in the same space?
Randy gave requirements that K1 remote obs is as quiet as K2. Might free up more space as well.
Factor in OAs, observers, AO scientists, and all groups that may be sharing the space at night.