Examples from the past:
Deep Impact observations, HIRES and NIRSPEC, data were released immediately
Team Keck Redshift Survey. DEIMOS and MOSFIRE
Idea 1: An open campaign for new TESS targets with HIRES + NIRC2
Idea 2: Pretty pix – spring galaxies
Idea 3: KCWI mapping of the center of the COSMOS deep field (10:00:24 02:10:55). We could cover a region of 10arcminx10arcmin in 20 nights (40 min exposures).
Idea 4: KCWI mapping of the core of a nearby star forming region. Can get gas dynamics, density of an HII region, things like that.
Idea 5: Create a high resolution spectral template library, using NIRSPEC and perhaps HIRES (copied from comment)
Idea 6: Solid on-sky time with TRICK NGS and LGS, smooth out all TRICK’s edges. Observe a wide range of targets, e.g. point sources, faint extended sources, nonsidereal targets, etc.