1/ Check out process if it is the first time MOSFIRE has been OFF for several days.
If not the case, then just do a longslit and take an image to make sure that everything is fine.
2/ Once Check Out is done (https://www.keck.hawaii.edu/realpublic/inst/mosfire/tech_pages/pre_run_checkout.html, check password in showpasswords), prepare for afternoon calibrations:
2.1/ Upload masks if necessary (or allow observers to do so). Enter the Keck Firewall if you are not already inside. Then:
scp -r directory account_mosfire@mosfireserver.keck.hawaii.edu:CSUmasks
2.2/ Create starlist:
MOSFIRE Utilities -> Generate Mask STARLIST If there are any extra starlists, copy it to /kroot/starlists/ OR /kroot/starlist/web/name (if loaded through Keck's webpage)
2.3/ Load the mask designs on to MAGMA.
On Magma -> Open MSC -> open all .xml masks
3/ Afternoon calibrations once the telescope is released.
3.1/ Enable dust cover: MOSFIRE control menu -> Enable Dust cover 3.2/ Spectroscopic calibrations: Tools -> Calibration Tool - Select the masks you want to take calibrations for and the filters.
4/ Prepare evening observations:
4.1/ In control3, open MAGIQ (guider camera): K1 Guider Eavesdropping > Start Observer UI, and map OA starlist, so that you can see your targets (or the observers' targets).
4.2/ In control3, start XMET: K1 telescope status menu > XMET
4.3/ Go dark if you are not already.
4.4/ Open Hatch: MOSFIRE Control Menu -> Enable Dust cover, open the hatch from the Desktop GUI.
4.5/ Select the first target in MAGIQ by clicking on the desired target line with the right button of the mouse, this will highlight the line in yellow and the OA will be able to see it.
4.6/ Put on the first mask on CSU with MIRA for focus -> Setup Alignment mask -> Execute mask
4.7/ Wait until the OA is done with MIRA, and in your first target.
4.8/ Set up your alignment mask to close the MIRA box, and open the alignment boxes.
4.9/ Wait until OA is guiding. Start the SAT (Slitmask Alignment Tool): MOSFIRE Utilities -> Slitmask Alignment Tool
4.9.1/ Load Star List
4.9.2/ Retrieve all Guider Images to Query DSS
4.9.3/ Select target
4.9.4/ Grab guider imager (when the telescope has arrived to the field)
4.9.5/ Compare images and click on 1 WHITE box to coarse align.
4.9.6/ Click on Move Telescope
-- FINE Alignment
--- When the CSU has finished moving: ----
4.7.7./ Start fine alignment -> if alignment starst have mag between 15 and 19, then you should see the PSFs of the stars on the alignment boxes.
4.7.8./ If offsets are << than the threshold -> you are good to go! If not, then do -> send moves and rotate angle and try again
-> For normal mask: Mosfire (important when doing alignment)
-> For long slit: slit
-> For LONG2POS: slit
-> REF: the OA use it to find reference stars
--- LONG2POS OBSERVATION (for telluric stars in H and K) ---
--- Preliminary Steps
Install the slitmask into the CSUMasks sub directory using the pull down option:
MOSFIRE Utilities -> Spectrophotometric Observations -> Install long2pos CSU mask files
For longslit only: load the long2pos mask into MAGMA.
For longslit & Spectrophotometric data: load the long2pos_specphot mask into MAGMA.
--- Observing Steps
Configure CSU:
Select either long2pos or the long2pos_specphot mask
Click Setup Science Mask (not alignment mask!)
Click Execute Mask to configure CSU
Acquire Target
Select the Bright Long tab on the Slitmask Alignment Tool
--- Alignment long slit (bright long tab)
Have OA acquire a star with guider and send it to SLIT pointing origin.
Click Pre-config filter to set filter and grating to nb1061-imaging.
Click Acquire image
Wait for exposure to display on SAT. The red + marks the center of the object and the yellow X marks the slit center.
If the object center is incorrect, click on the center to move the red + to the correct location
Click Move to Center to offset the telescope
Repeat previous 4 steps until object is centered
--- Configure MOSFIRE ---
On the Observing Mode subpanel, select the appropriate spectroscopy mode
Optionally, on the Exposure Control subpanel, enter the desired datataking parameters for:
-integration time
-sampling mode
-number of reads
and click APPLY instead of GO. Note that this step is optional because the automatic acquisition script for long2pos (see step 5 below) will prompt you to enter the exposure configuration with defaults set to whichever values you currently have in the Exposure Control subpanel.
Coordinate with the OA
If no guide star is avaliable in the MOSFIRE guider detector within the blue-shaded region shown in the following figure (e.g. star surrounded by a red circle), ask the OA to stop guiding.
Note that the standard can be observed without guiding because the four exposures taken by the long2pos script occur in a very short timescale.
Note the spectrophotometric mask version will acquire spectra in the narrow and wide slits while the long2pos mask only uses the narrow slits.
Launch the datataking script from the background menu via
MOSFIRE Utilities > Spectrophotometric Observations > Acquire spectra with long2pos mask