There are operation improvements which are not getting done. Let’s collect examples of current situation and argue for resources dedicated to operations.
Why important? What is benefit?
WAG on effort required
What sort of effort is required.
Example Projects Which Require Outside Effort
Modernize the LRIS keyword system to make it easier to script with modern tools. Bring all instrument keyword layers up to a common level of quality.
Automate/streamline pajama mode observing setup (ingestion of SSH keys, distribution of software, firewall info, and passwords).
Manage nightly Zoom meetings to avoid 24 hour limitation which causes Zoom dropouts, especially in the Fall.
Replace the SAT with a well designed, modern tool which automates much of the mask alignment process. (C. Alvarez: The situation with the current SAT can be improved by installing it on Linux hosts for LRIS and MOSFIRE, in the same way as it has been done for DEIMOS.)
Replace the cron based instrument alarms system with one which provides accurate information which is easily accessible.
Create a VPN access to Keck firewall to be able to work from home as if we were in the office.
Improve H2RG detector readout software to fix current poor efficiency when using co-added frames with post-upgrade NIRSPEC observations (both SPEC and SCAM)
Allow MAGIQ guider software to command multiple co-adds (in the case of SCAM guiding) to enable on-slit guiding of fainter targets and ANY target observed at thermal wavelengths.
Take ownership and redo QACITS to improve efficiency of operations with the vortex. This would include supporting alad keywords on vm-nirc2.
KCWI binning switches are poorly implemented.
Replace dsimulator with the web version.
Finish the DEIMOS upgrade to Linux, including the control GUI and operation scripts.
Install the Solar System twilight observing scripts on the upgraded Linux-based OSIRIS hosts.
Projects Which We Can Do Inside the Group
Complete instrument’s documentation to allow easier observation designs for observers. Keep the instruments' documentation up to date to allow easier SA training.