so the position must be 0< | center + amplitude| < 1
scale is ~ 1V/arcsec
CRED2 Display (Tracking Camera)
Bring up an xterm: pwfs@vm-pwfsserver (from the k2aoserver-new VNC pull down)
PyWFS AO screens: k2aoserver-new:2
Instructions for Restarting the PyWFS camera (Saffira): (from Sylvain)
Symptom: PyWFS Camera (in the PyWFS status) shows red and says it is powered off
Clicking on it and rebooting/restarting the camera server does NOT resolve this.
Connect to the RTC: ssh -X prtc@prtcserver
showRTProcess: it opens a window and the 2nd process from the top is partially crash
Ctrl-c to restart the process
Then connect to: ssh -X pwfs@vm-pwfsserver
Issue command: prtcRestartCOM (takes about 5 sec, then you should be able to reacquire the camera)