Zoom Troubleshooting

Zoom Troubleshooting

Removing Someone from a Zoom Call

If a site is causing a problem and you want to disconnect them from the Zoom meeting, the easiest thing to do is ask them to disconnect, but if you need to do it yourself (i.e. they are frozen or no one is there) you can do so from a client logged in as the meeting host. The machines for this are located in the summit control rooms and are accessible via VNC. Keck SAs, OAs, and SWOC can use their windows usernames and passwords to obtain VNC access to zoomk1.keck.hawaii.edu and zoomk2.keck.hawaii.edu.

One you are connected with VNC, you should see a Zoom client software running. If things are normal, it should be connected to the meeting room (perhaps as the only participant, perhaps with others). If the software is not connected, under the "Home" tab, click either "Start with video" or "Start without video". As this entry is being written, we use polycom hardware to join the meeting from the summit, but it is likely we will eventually retire that in favor of using the Zoom client with connected camera and microphone. If you are using polycom to join the meeting and are only doing administration of the meeting, use the "Start without video" option.


Once you see the video, you can mouse over the video panel which should bring up buttons along the bottom. One of those labeled "Participants" will bring up a list of participants along the left side of the window.


If you mouse over a participant in the list, you will get additional buttons, one of which is labeled "More >" which brings up a sub-menu. The "remove" option will remove that participant from the meeting.

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