Web tool comments and suggestions
ID | From | Comment | Status |
001 | SY | Should allow users to enter desired mask center in the input table, then recalculate mask. The tool allows users to move/rotate the field, reads in “input RA” and “input Dec” from the manually modified mask/field, then it recalculates mask. But user cannot specify desired input RA and DEC and mask PA. as of Jan 14 2022: Cannot update desired mask center RA and Dec. Need a way to reset mask center as of Jan 20 2022: Recalculate mask failed with “Status: No returned, recalculte failed” | Press “Show Parameters” Enter Input RA and Input DEC. Press “Set Center RA/DEC” (new button) Press “Recalculate mask” |
002 | SY | Need “set mask PA” button, along with “set slits PA”. as of Jan 20 2022: mask PA values will update when I rotate sky. But “set mask PA” button sets mask PA to 0 again. | Buttons added |
003 | SY | Need to be able to ingest the flags for preselected targets and design makes accordingly. |
004 | SY | Not sure whether changing input RA and input Dec took effect when clicked “Recalculate mask”. as of Jan 14 2022: I was able to enter different mask center RA and Dec, but “recalculate mask” did not see the change. | See 001 |
005 | SY | Cannot set PA manually. After recalculate mask, a random PA value is assigned to the mask and it cannot be changed. | Should work now |
006 | SY | DSS image took a long time to load. | DSS option was removed because the the DSS image has a different project than the mask layout. Maybe will add it back later. |
007 | SY | In input parameters, need to clarify whether observation date and time should be in HST or UT. | Added “UT” in description |
008 | SY | Save mask design file generates only the FITS file. Need an output table which includes selected targets. This info is displayed in the web interface but not exported as an output file. | Now text file is also saved. |
009 | CAAI | Initial display of target list should show which objects are alignment stars and which ones science targets based on the PCODE in the input file. Alignment stars should be displayed with an open square symbol. Science targets can be displayed as open circles. | This is already done. Need to check the “align boxes“ checkbox. |
010 | CAAI | Use thinner lines for the guider layout and bad columns. |
011 | – | Use the latest slitmask layout, which is based on an astrometrically calibrated DEIMOS image and includes the vignetting region at the top of the FOV. | Done |
012 | – | Add button to save parameter file with a desired file name. |
013 | – | Add a button to regenerate the display area based on real-time changes in the editable parameter list. It is particularly useful be able to set the Input RA, DEC and Mask PA. |
014 | – | Highlight parameter box in the parameter list when there is a discrepancy between the value in the box and the value on the display area. |
015 | – | Add the equivalent to the following dsimulator functionality:
Add the option to toggled between science target alignment star of vice versa. | Buttons to add and delete targets implemented. Clear selection button implemented. Need to think how to selected targets. |
016 | – | Separate labels from radio buttons they do not belong with. | Done |
017 | – | Relabel:
Put these labels on a different row than “Pan Sky“ and “Rotate Sky“ | Done |
018 | – | (Long term) Add an option for observers to upload astrometrically calibrated images. |
019 | CAAI | The field to the right of “Select File” needs to be wider to display the full input file name. | Done |
020 | SY | “Save mask design file” didn’t save | Fixed |
021 | SY | mask display did not show slits. Here is a screenshot.
| Slits only shown at the beginning. Only, after Recalculate is done. |
022 | SY | when I toggled between “show all targets” and “show selected”, all targets are gone from the mask display. “recalculate mask” didn’t help. | Please try again. Probably no target selected. Or maybe a bug. |
023 | SY | generated three sets of masks with PA = 0 deg to 360 deg, in 30 deg steps. Fits data are available at kealia:/home/deimos9/syeh/rxj kealia:/home/deimos9/syeh/macs kealia:/home/deimos9/syeh/leo
they are for checking polynomial fit coefficients. hopefully we get consistent answers. |