Facility Rotator CI Project (FY22)
Proposal Summary
There is a need to have access to read and control facility rotators even when the instrument is not installed or is not selected. This is important for split nights with other instruments. For example, MOSFIRE observers in a second half program when split with HIRES/OSIRIS will want to know that the rotator is at a safe angle in order to configure the CSU. Second half LRIS observers may want to rotate in order to move mechanisms.
Controlling the rotator when the instrument is not selected is possible with the instrument's rotator keywords.
This CI requests the creation of a new keyword which will give feedback on who has control of the rotator (e.g. MOSFIRE via DCS or MOSFIRE via its own keywords or none). Instrument scripts will then be updated to have a safety check or warning where needed and to know when to use the generic DCS ROTPPOSN or the instrument's rotator keywords.
This CI request is a result of https://keckobservatory.atlassian.net/browse/SSS-47.