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1:02 | Words from John | John | Team Keck proposals were good JO will be on KPF tonight trying some non-RV targets including some submitted from this group Director handover begins on Tuesday No new info about search other than job ad has been posted Thanks to all hosting visitors recently Great to see KCWI back on deck
1:08 | Words from Randy | Randy | Carolyn has distributed draft semester B schedule Complicated semester, pier repair, AO down time, KPF down time, LRIS down time
1:11 | Inexperienced Observer Policy | Josh | Are we still holding to the old policy? Observers should still come to HQ on first run Known workaround is for new observers to observe with an experienced observer Jim: is there a carrot? Provide summit tour rides?
| LIGO expectations | Michael | LIGO is starting up again, officially turned on O4, will last ~18 months More pressure from community to do snapshot cadence and other types of cadence 8 alerts in last week (which includes engineering time), but not all are of interest Expect some ToOs
1:22 | TDA policy review | Randy | A few years ago SSC looked at ToOs with expectation of LIGO ToOs which land across split night is not addressed in policy, but can be done with real time negotiations. Policy is to interrupt one program Quarter nights are not interruptible ToOs in progress are not interruptible Carolyn: policy says that fractional nights are interruptible? John: it is interrupter’s responsibility to do observations and take cals Randy: this will require us to have standby instruments ready. Be aware of your instrument’s status and whether it is available for ToOs. Rosalie: what if we don’t support the instrument? Cadence pressure Got allocation for many nights of short observations which we do not have a way to implement Policy allows for up to six 1 hour observations (similar to ToO interrupts) This PI asked for 20 minutes (30 min with overheads) every night for 30 consecutive nights (HIRES, KPF, NIRSPEC) We have no mechanism for this Caltech will have them work with CPS
NIKUG wants more of stuff like this as well
1:52 | Team work | Jim | Reach out for help! Our workflow changed during COVID, coming back now Remember there is a team here to help. If you have challenge put out email or slack message to see if there’s help.
1:55 | FY 24 CI | Randy | |
1:59 | Pau! | | |