Kyle: For keyword access, all PDUs will need to be controllable this way.
Randy: lists will need a column like “UNO priority”
Carlos: Add a “priority” Column
Jim: For AO, this will be a big task.
PDUs for Guiders, SSC, PCS.
remote sensing improvements
New or improved procedures will be needed
Randy, microphones/audio installed at specific instruments could be very useful.
daycrew checkout improvements
Randy: need a very thorough check for STs to follow before they can leave summit
Jim/Carolyn: How much time is needed? what checks do/should SAs do to confirm things are OK for ST to leave.
Carolyn: Trial period starts Oct. 1
Keyword states fed into Emir system to confirm good state for instrument readiness (Kyle)
Randy, prioritize cases by 2x2 decision grid: Cost vs. Severity.
Each IS to identify specific cases per instrument and evaluate
Randy: Look at cases where instrument fills were not done sufficiently/correctly.
Kyle: interpretation of telemetry correctly (e.g. Was it a bad fill or something else)
Randy: Organize ourselves and work with Joseph to make a list of things we want him to do for each of our instruments.
pypeit access for SAs
Sherry: Use a centralized resource (e.g SDR1) for having data in one place for access and processing.
Kyle: want to have a standardize system before we migrate things.
Jim: May want to use beta version instead of the fully regressed released for certain desired DRP capabilities
Morale outing for SA group
Randy, we have ~$100 person to spend.
Maylyn: A movie night?
Sunset cruise? (Kawaihae, A-bay, etc)
Actions: Send ideas to Maylyn
Remote Ops Layouts
[Did not discuss]
SSh keys that are “Always” deployed
Will review and trim out permanently SSH keys. Jim will send out an email list to our group to confirm what keys should be axed. Keys should maybe expire after some set time.