KPF Reformatter

KPF Reformatter

Table of Contents:

Reformatter Final Report (and Details)

FInal Winlight Report
Second (corrected) version.
Steve's Questions to Winlight
Posted here as the email chain helps explain the coordinate system used by Winlight
(needed to choose the appropriate shims to align the reformatter base to the KPF Zerodur bench)
Reformatter Reference Surfaces

A slide deck made by Steve to help clarify the reference surfaces used for the Winlight positional measruments.
This version has been marked up by Clement Escolle (Winlight), as described in email chain above.

Reformatter Procedures


Reformatter Packing Procedure

Fiber Block Integration Procedure

Reformatter Repair Visit by Winlight

Latest STEP File

April 6, 2021WLwo4681-110-ens1-E.stpVersion with corrected height and correct angled end.  Note WL did not up-rev the file name.

March 22, 2021

WLwo4681-110-ens1-E.stpVersion with corrected cover height but square end.
June 25, 2020WLwo4681-110-ens1_D.stpSTEP file from Clement after they corrected the orientation of the fiber block.
NOTE:  cover is too high in this version and goes beyond ICD keep in volume.

End of Manufacturing Before Coating Review

Delivery NoteWS-BL-aff23119-1_endOfManufacturingBeforeCoating.pdf
Meeting Notes23119-000-MOM001-A.pdffrom Clement, Kodi, Steve
Slicer Mirror Inspection Reports








Slicer Mirror 1

Slicer Mirror 2

Slicer Mirror 3

Slicer Mirror 4

Slicer Mirror 5

Slicer Mirror 6

Slicer Mirror 7

Pupil Mirror Inspection Reports






Pupil Mirror 1

Pupil Mirror 2

Pupil Mirror 3

Pupil Mirror 4

Pupil Mirror 5

Afocal Mirror Inspection Reports



Afocal 1

Afocal 2

Mirror Stack Inspection Reports





Slicer Stack S/N 1

Slicer Stack S/N 2

Pupil Stack S/N 1

Pupil Stack S/N 2


Updated Optical Design ReportJan 7, 2020WLWO4681-001-DJD001-E-KPF reformater optical DJD.pdfRev 'E'
Zemax non-sequential modelJan 7, 2020WLWO4681-000-ZMX002-D based on v35_NSC.zip
Updated fiber alignment tolerancesDec 18, 2019SteveUpdated fiber alignment tolerances.pptx
Fiber block tolerancing stack-upDec 18, 2019SteveFiber block tolerancing stack-up - side-to-side 15um update.pptx

Fiber block interface clarification and tolerances

Dec 11, 2019KPF/WLKPF Reformatter - fiber mount details_CEs.pptxWinlight response to KPF questions

Reformatter STEP file (with cover)

Dec 6, 2019WLwo4681-110-ens1_06-12-2019.stp

CDR Acceptance

KPF Comments and questions for post-CDR phase

KPF Reformatter Post-CDR Comments-1.pptx

Winlight answers:

WL CDR acceptance - email reply.txt

CDR Close-Out

End-of-CDR KPF Analyses




Change of reformatter f/num with wavelengthSteveReformatter f_num change with wavelength.xlsxOK.

Reformatter clocking tolerance

SteveReformatter clocking tolerance.pptxOK.

Chief ray vs. footprint aiming

Edreformatter_E_adjust_20190812.pptxOK.  KPF team decided footprint aiming was more important,
which is how WL had optimized the design, therefore no need
for WL to change design.

Impact of WL align tolerances on image and pupil in spectrometer


Reformatter Internal Alignment Tolerances - Image.pptx

Reformatter Internal Alignment Tolerances - Pupil.pptx

FITS files from 'image' analysis above:

Green - nominal.FITS

Red - nominal.FITS

Green - 10000 MC_WORST.FITS

Red - 10000 MC_WORST.FITS


KPF Post-CDR Summary and Questions:

KPF CDR Closeout comments/analysis:

Winlight Reformatter CDR - KPF Comments - CDR closeout.pptx

Our summary of CDR, and further questions, sent to Winlight:

Winlight Reformatter CDR - KPF Comments.pptx

Latest Reformatter Data Pack:

        CDR_data_pack_062119.zip - dated 6/21/19

Data Pack Documents:


Winlight slides from CDR

WL Response to KPF post-CDR slidesWinlight Reformatter CDR - KPF Comments_Winlight.pptx
Latest Post-CDR Optical Report

WO4681-001-DJD001-D optical.pdf

Rev 'B' was in original data pack.
Rev 'D' (here) was sent July 18, 2019
Post-CDR Mechanical ReportWO4681-001-DJD001-B.pdf

June 21, 2019 email attachments (to accompany data pack):



Reformatter assembly drawingwo4681-110-ens1-A-1.pdf
Base and cover assemblywo4681-110-int1-A-1.pdf
Cover drawingwo4681-110-f011-draft-1.pdf

Email questions (dates given to help inbox-searching)


KPF Sign-off:


KPF Question

July 1, 2019

WL Answer

July 4, 2019

KPF Response

July 5, 2019

KPF Clarification

July 8, 2019

WL Response

July 11, 2019

1OK for CDR

Solid model will be sent later by WL.
Would you please send us the solid model of the current entire reformatter?  Please also include the solid model of the cover.I will send to you the solid model (STEP file) of the reformatter once it is updated with your straylight mask request (see question 4 – 6).Thank you.


In WO4681-001-DJD001-B, page 16, section 5.8 analyzes the “the global tilt (including x and y axis) of the output image”.  To be clear, our specification asks for a limit on “the common angular error among all five output chief rays”, not the output image.  Do you mean to say chief rays?

a.  Also, we wish to clarify the requirement.  Currently it says “the common angular error among all five output chief rays shall be less than 0.25 degrees around the … z axes.”  But it is better to say, the rotation of the output image around the z-axis shall be less than 0.25 degrees.  To be clear, KPF plans to correct common errors below these limits with shims at the mounting interface, and the intention of this Req.8 is to specify a limit on how many shims we will need.  In this section, will you respond to this requirement, now that we say it more clearly?

You are right my sentence is not enough clear. I would like to say “the output image chief rays global tilt”.

Thank you, that is clear now.

Please also answer our other comment about this requirement:  2a.  Also, we wish to clarify the requirement.  Currently it says “the common angular error among all five output chief rays shall be less than 0.25 degrees around the … z axes.”  But it is better to say, the rotation of the output image around the z-axis shall be less than 0.25 degrees.  To be clear, KPF plans to correct common errors below these limits with shims at the mounting interface, and the intention of this Req.8 is to specify a limit on how many shims we will need.  In this section, will you respond to this requirement, now that we say it more clearly?

Regarding your comment in red for #2a, I added in the WO4681-001-DJD001 document a comment about the global tilt around Z axis of the output image. To summarize my comment, the main contributors to this error is the tilt around Z of the fiber in the block.

OK for CDR

Was addressed in Rev D of optical design report. 

Seems to have a unit typo within calculation? - yes, confirmed by WL

Can you revise the plot on page 22, and concentrate on fitting mutiple data points between 0 to 20 microrad of relative direction error (the y axis)?  This will give a much more accurate fit, so that you may derive the correct value for triplet decenter from the 6 microrad specification.  We are still interested in the plot out to 5 microns of triplet decenter (the x axis), so please calculate data points there also.I revise the plot on page 22 to have more data point in the 0 to 5 µm range of triplet decenter. It does not change significantly the results i.e. the decenter stability needed to keep the 6 µrad stability becomes 0.122 µm instead of 0.127 µm.

Please show us the plot and the calculation.  We are confused by the calculation, and it would be helpful for us to read it.

For example, in the last version of WO4681-001-DJD001-B that we have seen, the data is fit with a line, 𝛿𝜃 = 47165𝛿𝑦 ∓ 6.0345.  We would expect 𝛿𝜃 =0 at y=0, but that is not what the linear fit shows.  In fact the error is 6.0345 microrad, which is roughly the value that we are seeking!  So it seems that the fit needs to be better.  Perhaps the data is better fit with a polynomial?  Please review the calculation and consider how to fit the data better. 


OK for CDR

Still some work to do on design of pinhole/mask (KPF and WL)

In the documents that we sent last October, we requested mechanical accommodation to mount a 10 um pinhole and 50 um obscuration mask pinhole at the output image location, to aid our spectrometer alignments.  See the attached slides.  These masks can be removed and replaced as needed.  This accommodation is not described in your CDR documents.  Will you include this in the reformatter design?This is not included in the reformatter design. If you want to add this accommodation could you provide the 10 µm pinhole and 50 µm obscuration mask pinhole design and a description of  the interface needed.

Yes, we do want to add this accommodation. 

We will discuss the specific masks we wish to use, and provide you with more information soon.

(For the pinhole, we originally showed this product in our slides: https://www.thorlabs.com/thorproduct.cfm?partnumber=LMR05AP.  However, we now understand that this part is 25 mm diam, so it is too large - it would block the beam between the two relay mirrors.  We will consider an alternate.)

We have considered the specific masks that we want, and after more thought, we believe that we can make custom masks and support them without needing an interface from Winlight.  For example, we can design a foil aperture that rests on the Winlight mask at the output image (#5 below).  For our alignment, our mask does not even have to be in perfect focus at the output image, rather it could be defocused on the order of a millimeter.  The lateral tolerances are also loose.  In summary, we do not need Winlight to include accommodation for pinholes.

However, we do need the volume around the output image to be accessible, so that we may put in our own apertures.  When Winlight shows us their design for the output image mask, then we can consider how the volume is accessible for our needs.  And of course, we will need to remove the cover temporarily.

This also means that the Winlight mask at the oversized output image (see #5 below) does not need to be removeable.  Winlight can permanently install the mask during their integration.


OK for CDR

Still some work to do on design of mask (KPF and WL)

Req.15 specifies that no image limiting mask shall be used at the exit image location.  However, a mask that is oversized is acceptable, and in fact we believe a mask should be used to control stray light.  Can Winlight supply a final oversized mask at the output image?  It can be sent to us separately, and we could install it after the spectrometer alignment is finished.Winlight could provide a final oversized mask at the output image with a mounting interface compatible with this accommodation of the pinholes (see question 4). However in that case the oversized mask at intermediate image is no longer useful thus I suggest to remove it and to black paint all the front faces of the spacers that hold the slicer mirrors.Thank you for adding the mask at the output image.  However, I think that keeping the mask at the intermediate image might still be helpful for stray light, and is a good standard practice.  Is it difficult to keep the intermediate image mask?


OK for CDR

Still some work to do to finalize stray light masks and locations.

The analysis of Req.15 (page 26) says that a pupil mask before the second relay mirror is possible, but it is not included in the design.  It seems that this is useful to control stray light.  Why is this pupil mask not included? 

We suggest that the mask attached to the slicer mirrors for the first slit image might be extended to allow for masking very near the relay pupil and also the final image – see the attached drawing.   Another possibility is that the pupil mask could be added to the final mask at the output image.

The utility of the pupil mask before the output triplet in the photometry path is not proven yet but we could add this pupil mask in case of.Thank you.  It is true that the utility is not proven, but putting a mask at a pupil is a good standard practice.


OK for CDR

Updated file to be sent later by WL.

In the non-sequential Zemax model, the cal fiber diameter should be 120 microns, not 100.I will update the size of the calibration fiber in the Nonsequential Zemax model.Thank you.

8OKIn many layout diagrams in the reports, the old optical design that uses magnification=10 is shown.  For example, page 5 on the optical DJD.  It would prevent confusion in the future if the figures matches the current magnification=8 design.The layout has been updated in the issue C of the optical DJD (WO4681-001-DJD001).Thank you.  For these updates, will you send us the updated documents and models soon?



Attachment 1:


KPF Compliance Matrix (CDR Close-out)

KPF Requirement Topic

KPF Requirement Text

KPF Lead CDR Sign-off:
KPF Notes


The operational waveband is 445 to 870 nm, for all fibers.OpticalYESSteveOK

OK: Latest WL Zemax file (RD1) has wavelengths 445-870m.

Some throughput analysis curves end at 860 nm, but no large deviation or change from trend expected between 860 nm and 870 nm.

2Input fiber sizes and arrangement

The sizes of the three input fibers and their positions are defined in the accompanying documents.

The science fiber, sky fiber, and cal fiber are all octagonal fibers.  (The accompanying documents may show the cal fiber as being circular, which is incorrect.)


Science fiber fields:  OK
Sky fiber fields:  OK

Cal fiber fields:  OK  (undersized to account for spot blur at slicer mirror)

Photometry fields:  OK (updated since CDR)

3Image MaskingThe light from the sky fiber and the cal fiber shall be masked to an effective size (at the input fibers) of 64 microns in the y-direction only.  The mask location is TBD and within the slicer, possibly at the slicer mirrors. The method and precision of masking the fiber objects shall be described.OpticalYESSteve

OK for CDR

Need to ask about sharpness of bevel edge.

Cal mask:  Rev D report still talks about black chromium to mask sides of slice.  Non-sequential Zemax has the bevel.

Bevel is preferred (but have question about sharpness of bevel edge).


The input fibers will emit light rays at f/3.3. The output f/# of each light path shall be f/8.0 ± 0.1, including design and fabrication errors.


Rev. D of optical report (pg 12) now shows X and Y f/#s, and both are within the requirement.

5Output Image Arrangement

The output images shall be arranged at the exit image as shown in the accompanying documents.


Cal fiber image at virtual slit was at 1.518 mm from axis, requested it to be at Zemax 34 value of 1.534 mm.  (CENX, CENY measurements of central field). 

Rev. E Zemax has this at 1.532, so OK.  (2 um offset at f/8 is 0.7 um at CCD)

6Output Image Lateral Alignment

The reformatter shall be aligned so that each of the five output images shall be located at their nominal positions to within 5 microns in both x and y directions, with respect to each other.


NO - In X potentially for sky (cross)

YES - for science, cal and sky Y-axis (echelle)

SteveOKReducing sky slicer mirror leads to manufacturing difficulties.  Leaving sky fiber slice at 3 mm long is OK (KPF accepts potential sky fiber image mis-alignment)
7Output Angular Alignment

The five chief rays at the reformatter output shall be optimized to be as parallel as possible.  The goal is for all five beams to 1) match the exit pupil size, 2) be aligned to the exit pupil, and 3) be in focus at the exit image.


OK (Steve)

We decided that having the beam diameters overlap as best as possible was more desirable than for the chief rays to be in alignment.

The footprint of all the beams in enclosed by a circle of 213 mm (pupil is 204 mm).  This gives f/7.51.

This is the best alignment WL has ever achieved, and there does not seem to be a way to make this alignment perfect (or better that this value).

8Limit for Output Alignment Common Errors

The position of the output image is specified on the drawing with respect to the mounting interface, in all six degrees of freedom.

The alignment of the output image slices and chief rays may be offset slightly with respect to their nominal positions.  KPF plans to correct small errors in the output image alignment of the group of all five slices, by using shims in the reformatter mounting pocket in the KPF bench, given knowledge of the common alignment errors.

The common positional tolerance among all five exit images is shown on the drawing: for reference, the tolerance shall be less than 100 microns in x, y, and z (TBC).  The common angular error among all five exit output chief rays shall be less than 0.25 degrees around the x, y, and z axes (TBC).  KPF plans to correct common errors below these limits with shims at the mounting interface.

YES - for focus onlySteveOK

Rev. D of optical report now has all the DOF values.  Their analysis shows they meet our requirement.

9Output Alignment Knowledge

Knowledge of the common alignment error for the group of five output beams shall be provided to < 20 microns in x, y, and z (TBC), and <0.05 degrees around the x, y, and z axes (TBC).  Knowledge will be reported with respect to the alignment cube.  KPF plans to align the reformatter to the spectrometer using this knowledge of all six degrees of freedom.


No - Clocking

Yes - Rest

KodiOK for CDR. See note

CDR report states: "The position of the five output minislits will be measured with a sight attached to a CMM as it was foreseen on WFIRST IFU instrument. The absolute position accuracy of this setup is below 15 μm in x and y."

In order to fully understand the metrology system limitation, the resolution of the sight (and not the accuracy of the CMM) needs to be known:

For clocking, the sight can be aligned to an edge of the alignment cube. If we assume that the alignment cube is 1/2" in size and accurate to 5 arcsec, the total clocking deviation is 0.3 um (i.e., negligible).

Once the sight is aligned to the cube edge in clocking, a slope can be fit to the slit output. As stated in report 0.05 deg at the slit output represents 3.4 um of max slope value.

Both the cube and slit measurements will be presumably limited by the resolution of the sight. So the clocking knowledge should be RSS of the sight resolution.

Steve's line tilt analysis says we are ok to open up the clocking tolerance to +/- 0.25 deg (+/- sub half-pixel on spectrometer CCD). Update requirement and flow back to Winlight for concurrence.

10Output Image Locational Stability

The position of each of the five exit images, including the Sky fiber (TBC), shall be stable over one hour, moving less than 4 nm in the y-direction, 100 nm in the x-direction, and 1000 nm in the defocus direction (where the exit image slices are arranged along the lateral x-direction, and the lateral y-direction is orthogonal.)


Re-verified our requirements with latest Zemax model:  OK.

I agree with their analyses that show this requirement is met (and with significant margin).

11Output Image Angular Stability

The stability for rotation of the entire exit slit image (the ensemble of all five output beams including the Sky fiber (TBC)) about its center shall be stable over one hour, changing at the exit image by less than 6 microradians in both pitch and yaw, and 2.5 microradians in clocking at the exit pupil.


OK for CDR

Re-verified our requirements with latest Zemax model:  OK.

Is there a typo in the units on page 23 of Rev D report?

12Photometry Output

The photometry paths will be focused by a lens element into a final image that is sized to 95%EE at 250 um in diameter.

EE at 250mm is 100% for on-axis and 100% for field edges.
13Photometry Output Tolerances

The positional error of the photometry output image shall be less than 25 microns in x and y, and 50 microns in defocus (TBC).



14Wavefront Error

The wavefront error of the reformatter design shall be less than 1.5 waves PV at the exit image for each light path, including all design and fabrication errors, and after correcting for common defocus (see #8).

OpticalYESTimOKCDR report shows WFE a bit worse than in PDR report, but still well within spec.
15Stray Light Control

Stray light shall be controlled in the reformatter using appropriate baffles and masks although no image-limiting mask shall be used at the exit image location. Methods of stray light control shall be described including baffle and mask positions and attachment to the reformatter substrate.  




Yes, acceptable for CDR. 

Will have some followup questions later. 

PDR report described a general approach with no details - fine at the time.

The CDR report lists the 4x baffles they have added, and points to their locations: a pupil mask right after the triplet, an image mask at the intermediate image past the slicer, a pupil mask in the relay, and a mask at the reformatter output.  These are appropriate, given our spec.

The CDR report also includes a NSQ stray light model; an accompanying images show that a ghost is blocked by one mask - fine.

The Zemax model is missing the relay pupil mask, and the final image mask, so can't tell how they are mounted.  The other two masks are shown as solids with mounts, as we requested.

We did specify the final mask shouldn't limit the image, we should confirm this is the case.  The mask dimensions are not given anywhere (and the mask is missing from the model).

The model is described as "simple" and "representative", so that the final design may differ.  This should be fine.  The report also claims the model doesn't take into account diffusion of the surface (probably they mean glass surfaces?)  That's worth looking at more, although that is beyond the spec we gave them which only requested baffles - maybe we do a calc based on their expected surface roughness, or we ask them to include in model.

The PDR report raised two poss stray light concerns: the sides of the slices, and the lateral sides of the cal fiber.  But the CDR report doesn't include those concerns, and they aren't otherwise addressed.  Doesn't seem to be in the Zemax model.  The cal fiber is noted elsewhere in the report as simply being masked by chromium outboard of the slicer submirror.  We should ask Winlight about how light is controlled around the areas of these slices.

CDR report gives two options for coating invar foil: black chromium or PU1 paint.  A graph shows the total reflectance for black chromium, but otherwise no info nor comparison is given.  Either one should be acceptable though.


The throughput of the reformatter shall be > 85%.
Calculation of throughput will include the effects of the exit pupil of each sliced path not overlapping exactly with the nominal exit pupil.

An estimated throughput budget that itemizes the contributions to loss shall be provided.


CDR report shows throughput similar to that in PDR report, and still well above spec.

The report shows triplet AR coatings based on real data, so that's reasonable.

The report shows a mirror coating curve, but isn't clear whether it's a theoretical curve or it's a curve based on real achieved coatings.  The coating is used 4x times, so any difference could add up.  This is a question for WL.  Later: WL clarified that this curve is based on a real achieved coating.

17Mirror Coatings

Mirror coatings shall be high stability, durable coatings (for example densified by ion-assisted deposition (IAD) or equivalent), to ensure performance over the range of vacuum and humidity specifications.

OpticalYESTimYESUnchanged from PDR report.  WL uses a coating with a lot of heritage other slicer projects, with similar environmental reqs.
18Definition of Input Fiber Location

The three input fibers will be mounted in a fiber block, provided by KPF, which will be mounted to the reformatter on a base block.  The mounting location is defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001. The base block shall be contact bonded to the substrate. The mounting interface on the base block should allow for the removal and replacement of the fiber block for installation or maintenance, such as by using spring force to retain the fiber block.  For reference, KPF plans that the input fiber faces will be coplanar to the fiber block exit face to within 5 microns (TBC) and laterally spaced to within 3 micron (TBC) tolerance. The fiber input beam chief rays will be co-aligned to within 6 arcmin (TBC). Other relative alignments of the fiber beam chief rays may be requested.

19Definition of Output Image Location

The location and orientation of the output image is defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001, with respect to the mechanical mounting interface, in all six degrees of freedom.

We anticipate that Winlight might prefer to verify this specification by measuring the output image and the mounting interface in relation to the alignment cube.

Mech.YESChris, KodiOK (Chris)
20Photometry Slice Output Location

The photometry slices’ output will exit the reformatter at a location defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001 and the Zemax file. The photometry light will be collected by a 300-micron fiber mounted on a fiber block provided by KPF, which will be mounted to the reformatter. The mounting interface to the fiber block is provided by the reformatter and is notionally a base block that is contact bonded to the substrate. The mounting interface should allow for the removal and replacement of the fiber block for installation or maintenance.  The photometry base block at this interface may be the same as the base block used for the input fibers.

21Maximum Envelope

The reformatter shall fit within a volume defined on the drawing KPF- RFM-ICD-001. Note that this constraint is to avoid interference with the light rays and intermediate fold mirror within the separate KPF spectrometer.

22Mounting Interface

The reformatter shall mount on the KPF optical bench using a spring and shim mounting scheme as defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001.


23Alignment Features: Output ImageThe reformatter shall include an alignment cube, located as shown in drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001.  The reformatter output image location and beam angles will be measured with respect to it, so that the reformatter can be aligned to the KPF spectrometer to the required positional and rotational accuracy.Mech.YESKodi


Winlight mech drawing WO4681-110-INT1 Rev A has a cube in the correct location.

24Operational Environment

The reformatter shall meet all of its performance specifications in the operational environment.

At high vacuum: < 1E-3 mbar.
Thermal environment: 20 ± 0.1 °C Vibration environment:

0 to 100 Hz: 5e-7 G2/Hz

        100 to 2000 Hz: 5e-8 G2/Hz
25Laboratory Environment

The reformatter shall be capable of being aligned and functionally verified in this environment.

In air.
Humidity: < 70% RH
At altitude of 0 meters (1000 mbar) or 4200 meters (600 mbar).

Thermal environment: 20 ± 5 °C
Vibration environment:

0 to 100 Hz: 5e-7 G2/Hz
100 to 2000 Hz: 5e-8 G2/Hz

26Installed Survival Environment

The reformatter shall survive but is not needed to perform in this environment.

Thermal Environment: -10 to 30 °C
Vibration environment: ± 0.7 g

27Shipping Environment

The reformatter shall survive while its shipping container is subject to this environment.

Thermal Environment: -33 to 71 °C
Vibration environment profile:

1 Hz: 1e-5 G2/Hz
4 to 100 Hz:  0.01 G2/Hz
100 to 300 Hz: 0.01 G2/Hz
300 to 4 kHz: 1e-5 G2/Hz


KPF Prep for Winlight CDR

Current document set Winlight is working to (listed in draft optical report):

APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS  now updated with CDR docs

Winlight RefTitleDocumentFile source for this linkRevisions?
[AD1]KPF Reformatter specifications: V11KPF Reformatter Spec v11.docx
KPF Reformatter Spec v11.pdf
Steve's email
[AD2]Description of the Reformatter system20180825_reformatter_v35_description.pdfKPF wiki link
[AD3]KPF optical design file

35 - reformatter_WS2958.ZMX
      (Post-PDR starting point)

[AD4]KPF Reformatter Solid ModelKPF-SPE-MEC-120 Reformatter assembly.stepKPF wiki linkAngle for reformatter clocking now -2.13 deg
[AD5]KPF Reformatter Mechanical ICD: KPF-RFM-ICD-001 Rev03KPF-RFM-ICD-001 Rev03 KPF Reformatter Assembly Mechanical ICD.PDFKPF wiki link

REFERENCE DOCUMENTS   now updated with CDR docs

Winlight Ref


DocumentFile source for this linkRevisions?
[RD1]Optical Zemax file of the updated ReformatterWO4681-000-ZMX001-C based on v35.zmx
WO4681-000-ZMX001-C based on v35.ZDA
CDR data pack


Mechanical interfaces:
     WO4681-110-INT1 last issue

Winlight email 4/3/19

This file not within CDR data pack

Still has invar buttons.

Optical interfaces:
     WO4681-110-INT2 last issue


March version (superceded, but shows ray paths):
wo4630-110-int2-A assembly drawing.pdf

CDR data pack


Optical Zemax file for stray light analysisWO4681-000-ZMX002-A based on v35_NSC.zarUpdated CDR data pack

WL latest OPTICAL design report (CDR Data Pack Version)


WL latest MECHANICAL design report (CDR Data Pack Version)


WL latest drawing set (CDR Data Pack Version - Updated May 28, 2019)



KPF Compliance Matrix (at CDR)

KPF Requirement Topic

KPF Requirement Text

KPF Lead Sign-off:
KPF Notes


The operational waveband is 445 to 870 nm, for all fibers.OpticalYESSteveOK

OK: Latest WL Zemax file (RD1) has wavelengths 445-870m.

Some throughput analysis curves end at 860 nm, but no large deviation or change from trend expected between 860 nm and 870 nm.

2Input fiber sizes and arrangement

The sizes of the three input fibers and their positions are defined in the accompanying documents.

The science fiber, sky fiber, and cal fiber are all octagonal fibers.  (The accompanying documents may show the cal fiber as being circular, which is incorrect.)

OpticalYESSteveOK when photometry fields updated

Science fiber fields:  OK
Sky fiber fields:  OK

NOTE:  cal fiber fields have fiber at 64 um wide.  OK (and necessary) for SEQ Zemax but we should mention to WL we've chosen an oversized 120um fiber here.

Photometry fields:  Fields slightly wrong: +/- 0.0431 → +/- 0.0631 and +/- 0.1165 → +/- 0.10425

3Image MaskingThe light from the sky fiber and the cal fiber shall be masked to an effective size (at the input fibers) of 64 microns in the y-direction only.  The mask location is TBD and within the slicer, possibly at the slicer mirrors. The method and precision of masking the fiber objects shall be described.OpticalYESSteve

Need to hear more about chromium plan (won't it reflect a small portion of the light and fill in the orderlet gaps?)

Also need to verify size of sky mirror.

Change since V11:  WL agreed to KPF's request to make cal slicer mirror a square pyramid with a 64 um square top (measured at fiber).  This is reflected in draft optical report.

Cal mask:  CDR report has moved away from pyramid and now using black chromium to mask sides of slice.

Also, CDR text has it at 512 um x 512 um at slider mirrors (OK).  However RD1 Zemax has it at 570 um x 570 um.

Sky mask:  Page 11 in optical report says sky fiber is 250 um.  (Note Zemax RD1 has it correct at 225um).  At the slicer mirror, this would then be 512 um x 1800 um (not 512 um x 2000 um as in optical report).  The smaller size is preferred, as it will help constrain the position of the sky slice (and help with compliance of Req 6 below).  Note RD1 Zemax has this mirror sized at 512 um x 3000 um.


The input fibers will emit light rays at f/3.3. The output f/# of each light path shall be f/8.0 ± 0.1, including design and fabrication errors.


Table pg 12 in document, each fiber/field cone has f/8.0, but overall aiming of all cones is f/8+/-0.16 worst case (f/8.0+/-0.12 errors in quadrature)

5Output Image Arrangement

The output images shall be arranged at the exit image as shown in the accompanying documents.

OpticalYESSteveNeed to ask about position of cal slice.

Comparing Zemax RD1 slice positions at f/8 virtual slit to Ed's AD2 doc, slide 6:

Science slices (x3) all compliant within 2 um (based on CENX, CENY measurements of central field)

Cal fiber measures at 1.518 mm from axis.  Note in Zemax 34 it was 1.534 mm.    (CENX, CENY measurements of central field).  Difference is ~ 1/2 pixel at CCD. 

I think we want it back at 1.536, as Zemax 34 was used for orderlet spacing analysis.

6Output Image Lateral Alignment

The reformatter shall be aligned so that each of the five output images shall be located at their nominal positions to within 5 microns in both x and y directions, with respect to each other.


NO - In X potentially for sky (cross)

YES - for science, cal and sky Y-axis (echelle)

SteveLikely OK, but want to ask about sky fiber.

I think reducing size of sky slicer mirror would at least constrain the top and bottom edges of the sky slice.  On one side the fiber edge might move inside the mirror edges (would reduce flux), but the fiber image couldn't move outward (and affect orderlet spacing). Constrains stack height since outboard slices then both set by Zerodur.

They created a substantial tolerance table that shows this requirement is met.  I have an open question to them on why decenter of the mirrors wasn't included.  Analysis they give is the worst case, so likely OK.

Requirement Check:  5 um here equates to ~ 2 um at CCD (well under a pixel).  Given this is an alignment req that's fine.

7Output Angular Alignment

The five chief rays at the reformatter output shall be optimized to be as parallel as possible.  The goal is for all five beams to 1) match the exit pupil size, 2) be aligned to the exit pupil, and 3) be in focus at the exit image.

The footprint of all the beams in enclosed by a circle of 214 mm (pupil is 204 mm).  This gives f/7.48. See pg 16 of report
8Limit for Output Alignment Common Errors

The position of the output image is specified on the drawing with respect to the mounting interface, in all six degrees of freedom.

The alignment of the output image slices and chief rays may be offset slightly with respect to their nominal positions.  KPF plans to correct small errors in the output image alignment of the group of all five slices, by using shims in the reformatter mounting pocket in the KPF bench, given knowledge of the common alignment errors.

The common positional tolerance among all five exit images is shown on the drawing: for reference, the tolerance shall be less than 100 microns in x, y, and z (TBC).  The common angular error among all five exit output chief rays shall be less than 0.25 degrees around the x, y, and z axes (TBC).  KPF plans to correct common errors below these limits with shims at the mounting interface.

YES - for focus onlySteve

YES - for focus only. 

Other DOFs not addressed.

They address focus in the optical report, but the other DOFs aren't addressed in the mechanical report.

9Output Alignment Knowledge

Knowledge of the common alignment error for the group of five output beams shall be provided to < 20 microns in x, y, and z (TBC), and <0.05 degrees around the x, y, and z axes (TBC).  Knowledge will be reported with respect to the alignment cube.  KPF plans to align the reformatter to the spectrometer using this knowledge of all six degrees of freedom.


No - Clocking

Yes - Rest


CDR report states: "The position of the five output minislits will be measured with a sight attached to a CMM as it was foreseen on WFIRST IFU instrument. The absolute position accuracy of this setup is below 15 μm in x and y."

In order to fully understand the metrology system limitation, the resolution of the sight (and not the accuracy of the CMM) needs to be known:

For clocking, the sight can be aligned to an edge of the alignment cube. If we assume that the alignment cube is 1/2" in size and accurate to 5 arcsec, the total clocking deviation is 0.3 um (i.e., negligible).

Once the sight is aligned to the cube edge in clocking, a slope can be fit to the slit output. As stated in report 0.05 deg at the slit output represents 3.4 um of max slope value.

Both the cube and slit measurements will be presumably limited by the resolution of the sight. So the clocking knowledge should be RSS of the sight resolution.

10Output Image Locational Stability

The position of each of the five exit images, including the Sky fiber (TBC), shall be stable over one hour, moving less than 4 nm in the y-direction, 100 nm in the x-direction, and 1000 nm in the defocus direction (where the exit image slices are arranged along the lateral x-direction, and the lateral y-direction is orthogonal.)


Re-verified our requirements with latest Zemax model:  OK.

I agree with their analyses that show this requirement is met (and with significant margin).

11Output Image Angular Stability

The stability for rotation of the entire exit slit image (the ensemble of all five output beams including the Sky fiber (TBC)) about its center shall be stable over one hour, changing at the exit image by less than 6 microradians in both pitch and yaw, and 2.5 microradians in clocking at the exit pupil.

YESSteveReport says yes; verifying mathRe-verified our requirements with latest Zemax model:  OK.
12Photometry Output

The photometry paths will be focused by a lens element into a final image that is sized to 95%EE at 250 um in diameter.

pg.21-22 confirms. Check that a 0.247 mm circle encloses rays at the photometry focus.
13Photometry Output Tolerances

The positional error of the photometry output image shall be less than 25 microns in x and y, and 50 microns in defocus (TBC).

Pg. 22 confirms, In addition, rotation of 0.03 deg (2') of a slicer mirror causes the circle enclosing rays to increase to 0.248 mm
14Wavefront Error

The wavefront error of the reformatter design shall be less than 1.5 waves PV at the exit image for each light path, including all design and fabrication errors, and after correcting for common defocus (see #8).

OpticalYESTimOKCDR report shows WFE a bit worse than in PDR report, but still well within spec.
15Stray Light Control

Stray light shall be controlled in the reformatter using appropriate baffles and masks although no image-limiting mask shall be used at the exit image location. Methods of stray light control shall be described including baffle and mask positions and attachment to the reformatter substrate.  



TimMostly, have some questions

PDR report described a general approach with no details - fine at the time.

The CDR report lists the 4x baffles they have added, and points to their locations: a pupil mask right after the triplet, an image mask at the intermediate image past the slicer, a pupil mask in the relay, and a mask at the reformatter output.  These are appropriate, given our spec.

The CDR report also includes a NSQ stray light model; an accompanying images show that a ghost is blocked by one mask - fine.

The Zemax model is missing the relay pupil mask, and the final image mask, so can't tell how they are mounted.  The other two masks are shown as solids with mounts, as we requested.

We did specify the final mask shouldn't limit the image, we should confirm this is the case.  The mask dimensions are not given anywhere (and the mask is missing from the model).

The model is described as "simple" and "representative", so that the final design may differ.  This should be fine.  The report also claims the model doesn't take into account diffusion of the surface (probably they mean glass surfaces?)  That's worth looking at more, although that is beyond the spec we gave them which only requested baffles - maybe we do a calc based on their expected surface roughness, or we ask them to include in model.

The PDR report raised two poss stray light concerns: the sides of the slices, and the lateral sides of the cal fiber.  But the CDR report doesn't include those concerns, and they aren't otherwise addressed.  Doesn't seem to be in the Zemax model.  The cal fiber is noted elsewhere in the report as simply being masked by chromium outboard of the slicer submirror.  We should ask Winlight about how light is controlled around the areas of these slices.

CDR report gives two options for coating invar foil: black chromium or PU1 paint.  A graph shows the total reflectance for black chromium, but otherwise no info nor comparison is given.  Either one should be acceptable though.


The throughput of the reformatter shall be > 85%.
Calculation of throughput will include the effects of the exit pupil of each sliced path not overlapping exactly with the nominal exit pupil.

An estimated throughput budget that itemizes the contributions to loss shall be provided.

OpticalYESTimYes, when get an answer to this question

CDR report shows throughput similar to that in PDR report, and still well above spec.

The report shows triplet AR coatings based on real data, so that's reasonable.

The report shows a mirror coating curve, but isn't clear whether it's a theoretical curve or it's a curve based on real achieved coatings.  The coating is used 4x times, so any difference could add up.  This is a question for WL.

17Mirror Coatings

Mirror coatings shall be high stability, durable coatings (for example densified by ion-assisted deposition (IAD) or equivalent), to ensure performance over the range of vacuum and humidity specifications.

OpticalYESTimYESUnchanged from PDR report.  WL uses a coating with a lot of heritage other slicer projects, with similar environmental reqs.
18Definition of Input Fiber Location

The three input fibers will be mounted in a fiber block, provided by KPF, which will be mounted to the reformatter on a base block.  The mounting location is defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001. The base block shall be contact bonded to the substrate. The mounting interface on the base block should allow for the removal and replacement of the fiber block for installation or maintenance, such as by using spring force to retain the fiber block.  For reference, KPF plans that the input fiber faces will be coplanar to the fiber block exit face to within 5 microns (TBC) and laterally spaced to within 3 micron (TBC) tolerance. The fiber input beam chief rays will be co-aligned to within 6 arcmin (TBC). Other relative alignments of the fiber beam chief rays may be requested.


19Definition of Output Image Location

The location and orientation of the output image is defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001, with respect to the mechanical mounting interface, in all six degrees of freedom.

We anticipate that Winlight might prefer to verify this specification by measuring the output image and the mounting interface in relation to the alignment cube.

Mech.YESChris, Kodi

20Photometry Slice Output Location

The photometry slices’ output will exit the reformatter at a location defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001 and the Zemax file. The photometry light will be collected by a 300-micron fiber mounted on a fiber block provided by KPF, which will be mounted to the reformatter. The mounting interface to the fiber block is provided by the reformatter and is notionally a base block that is contact bonded to the substrate. The mounting interface should allow for the removal and replacement of the fiber block for installation or maintenance.  The photometry base block at this interface may be the same as the base block used for the input fibers.


21Maximum Envelope

The reformatter shall fit within a volume defined on the drawing KPF- RFM-ICD-001. Note that this constraint is to avoid interference with the light rays and intermediate fold mirror within the separate KPF spectrometer.


22Mounting Interface

The reformatter shall mount on the KPF optical bench using a spring and shim mounting scheme as defined on the drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001.


WL had invar buttons in design at PDR.

CDR Mech Report still talks about invar buttons.

23Alignment Features: Output ImageThe reformatter shall include an alignment cube, located as shown in drawing KPF-RFM-ICD-001.  The reformatter output image location and beam angles will be measured with respect to it, so that the reformatter can be aligned to the KPF spectrometer to the required positional and rotational accuracy.Mech.YESKodi

24Operational Environment

The reformatter shall meet all of its performance specifications in the operational environment.

At high vacuum: < 1E-3 mbar.
Thermal environment: 20 ± 0.1 °C Vibration environment:

0 to 100 Hz: 5e-7 G2/Hz

        100 to 2000 Hz: 5e-8 G2/Hz

25Laboratory Environment

The reformatter shall be capable of being aligned and functionally verified in this environment.

In air.
Humidity: < 70% RH
At altitude of 0 meters (1000 mbar) or 4200 meters (600 mbar).

Thermal environment: 20 ± 5 °C
Vibration environment:

0 to 100 Hz: 5e-7 G2/Hz
100 to 2000 Hz: 5e-8 G2/Hz


26Installed Survival Environment

The reformatter shall survive but is not needed to perform in this environment.

Thermal Environment: -10 to 30 °C
Vibration environment: ± 0.7 g


27Shipping Environment

The reformatter shall survive while its shipping container is subject to this environment.

Thermal Environment: -33 to 71 °C
Vibration environment profile:

1 Hz: 1e-5 G2/Hz
4 to 100 Hz:  0.01 G2/Hz
100 to 300 Hz: 0.01 G2/Hz
300 to 4 kHz: 1e-5 G2/Hz


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