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1:04 | Words from Randy | Randy | |
1:30 | Software workflow tools for DSI Translator development | Josh | DSI/DDOI Translator development will commence soon. The rest of DSI is being done in git+GitHub. Since we will be involved in Translator development, do we have a strong opinion on whether development workflow should be in git (& GitHub?) vs. SVN? Want simple things to stay simple
1:52 | Observing Definition Tool | Chien-Hsiu | DDOI team has prepared tutorials on how to use the observing definition tool and would like to ask SAs to try and give feedbacks. The videos are at: 1. Creating ODTs https://vimeo.com/712247936/06fd839aa5 2. Editing ODTs https://vimeo.com/712696608/b31443c907
To access the prototype observer portal, go to: https://www3.keck.hawaii.edu/observers/portal/rel/index.html with the password ‘testing’ |
2:00 | New IPM tool is eMaint | Jim | replacement for IPM is live Jim has requested SAs get training because “Instrument Master” owns a lot of tasks in the old system George Hatcher has copied over all old IPM tasks, some may be out of date.
2:05 | Jira board for software issues used by Scientific Software Group | Kyle | Remind SAs that this exists May need priorities added? Randy: Could we review this board in this meeting periodically? Randy: Operational software issues which need software resources can go on this list. Resources set aside to deal with these items. Might need ECR or CI for some of these?
2:12 | Pau! | | |