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1:04 | Words from Randy | Randy | Randy has returned from KPF review Went well. Committee would have preferred to keep instrument in lab for a bit, but team made strong argument that they have to pack and ship now because a lot of work needs to be done at the summit anyway. Resolution and precision in lab in impressive. Packing now. Brett Smith is there helping (new instrument engineer). Randy’s areas of concern are on Keck side (FIU and tip tilt correction), will work that in mea time. DRP is very involved. Randy suggested @Chien-Hsiu Lee (Unlicensed) be SA involved in the DRP deployment. KPF-fest (focus is on DRP and data analysis) is happening today and tomorrow. Lots of separate pieces to instrument. It’s an “octopus”. Has day and night operations. Opportunities for all of us to contribute Possibilities of conflicts with KCRM work, another reason to start summit work soon
Randy: got some feedback from new instrument engineers on summit that their training is going slow. Want SAs to do some knowledge transfer. Each IS should meet up there with John V., Brett Smith, Dwight. Establish rapport with new IEs. Jim is on schedule for Sunday night for NIRSPEC support, he is away. Is someone covering that?
1:14 | Words from John | John | Congrats to Rosalie and team on KCWI move. Now in clean room in K1 dome. AAS was last week, had Keck booth SSC and Board meetings are week after next Due date for white papers was yesterday Keck Science Meeting announcement was yesterday John out week of July 4 to July 18 (1 week vacation + other travel)
1:18 | DSI Translator Command Line Interface | Josh | Example (will likely use slightly different syntax due to collision with existing scripts): kpf [command] [arguments] Carlos: Could we have a starlink like system where you type the instrument name and load all the commands for this instrument? Randy: would this call the old shell scripts? No. this is separate. Kyle: not a lot of interaction will come through command line. Yes, but some critical interactions do. Randy: don’t want to remove options for users. Kyle: existing scripts are recipe for new scripts. The key knowledge gained about how to do things is not lost. If telescope translator needs info that is not in keywords, add keywords, don’t use parameter or config file.
1:42 | Tort changes to clarify ToO policies | Michael | Yesterday was preview of O4, was kilo nova candidate. Two ToO triggers on K1 plus another team considering another on K2. Should we update anything about ToO policies and how they are displayed? 4pm deadline is on TORT Allows editing of target after submission which is not permitted by policy. John: Do not need to turn off editing in TORT, because localizations improve. Problem was change of target away from one that was triggered on. Big role for TACs to play on multiple triggers on same target. Also will bring this up to SSC. Did need to edit TORT about instrument switch policy. Michael to email John with concerns.
Team should have cancelled first ToO and issued a second one. Some telescopes east of us may take care of classification after 4pm which changes the trigger decision. Randy: good to put some policies forward on TORT. Randy: each ToO trigger is expensive in time because each is special and edge case Percy: 1 hour break includes 2 instrument changes plus focussing, correct? Yes. Policy is intended to limit impact to classical observer to 1 hour of clock time. Randy: historically, policy was created by subcommittee of SSC including Keck representatives. Changes may be difficult. John: interest and use will likely go up. Good to see triggers not happening all in last weeks of semester. Michael: to take a/i to come up with list of minor edits to TORT to bring key policy elements to the attention of the user in the TORT itself.
1:54 | SCALES Imager PDR | Carlos | Was in SCALES imager PDR past couple of days Can Carlos share out brief? Imager was added to SCALES after instrument PDR, based on recommendation of SSC. All optomechanical parts being built by Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), detectors by UCSC (spare JWST detector). Review of two key moving components: double filter wheel, rotating pupil imager. Also software was reviewed, but was not seen as major risk. Will Deitch is doing KTL services. Review covered interactions between institutions via MOUs. Final report was very positive. Proceed as planned. Some high risks identified: Will have another PDR in September 2022. Funding is in hand for labor, but not procurement.
2:13 | Pau! | | |