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1:20 | Words from Jim | Jim | Carolyn is in the midst of scheduling Currently in KCWI LRIS run, but next week starts galactic center time Launch telescope is aligned with main telescope on K1, so have enough TT range. RC: UTT seemed to work well on recent nights
1:28 | POC focus | Jim | Post-Observing Comment (POC) feedback is important connection to community We have a backlog of forms, please start working through your queue Catch-up can be done. Remember that after “Ready” there is an additional step for the db to mark the POCs as “done” = returned to observer. Can be used as a bludgeon to get things from the observatory if observers are asking for it. RM: Can we have them automatically emailed? Carolyn just updated the POC email list, so not terribly expansive anymore Jim: public web site was just updated Please poke around Jim already asked for observer links to be more prominent Cron which updates the public facing pages (www2) is still down, need to ask for a manual update There is some talk of migrating the internal web pages (www, www2, www3) …
1:43 | AO Bench Weight Limit | Jim | AO benches were determined to be overloaded. Safety stop on any work above, on, or below benches Since done in house FEA model and are convinced that there is no danger from static load concern is dynamic, lateral load (e.g. EQ) Concern is buckling of support structures Swapping out legs will require re-alignment Work is being done on system to allow work on bench. Under bench is not likely to be allowed. Possible that work might resume on bench in a matter of weeks Grant, what is our pointing reference? SSC or ACAM? Would a bench realignment affect pointing? No, pointing models are SSC, now PCS SSC on K1 is dead. Will be replaced with Andor.
1:50 | Nightlog Response | Jim | Let’s renew focus on responding (and hopefully closing) nightlog tickets We want other groups to respond and let’s make sure these groups cannot correctly point out that SAs are not responding either. Are the correct people assigned? Shui’s links has 4 week ticket list Nightlog meeting every day at 8am Carolyn, Jim, Jason Worden, + rotating software person,
Jim has noticed that tickets to computer support are rarely responded to Jim wants to lean on other groups to respond and to write day logs Critical ticket needs response the next day High is next step down in priority Try to respond to tickets on your instruments Focus on high/crit urgency tickets
2:16 | Guiders | Percy | Could replace MAGIQ guider on LRIS with a different non-MAGIQ, non-Andor guider (Andor won’t fit) Will try to physically test fit in LRIS, but unlikely Jim: we have 3 spare Magiq cameras includes one engineering grade not clear if we can lay hands on all of these Not all parts are interchangeable
Not clear how many instruments can fit Andor replacements KL: Shui is critical to this to configure Magiq
2:42 | Pau! | | |