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1:02 | Words from Jim | Jim | Thanks for kind thoughts and gifts for Randy and Michael and Alicia Carolyn sent out draft schedule If you know your block out dates for Semester B, send them. Jim will start soon as this is his first round of doing this. Michael is out at least through June SA recruitment is going well Have ~40 candidates, 10-12 quality ones As deep a pool as we’ve had in a while Position has closed, sent some rejections Next will come up with a ranked list KL: any luck turning this in to 2 positions? Greg will be at AAS and could meet people RM: all double blinded so far Not sure when it will be un-blinded Short list target number is probably 3 to bring out SY: JPL may lay off more employees this summer FYI
Action Item for Primary Instrument Scientists Review SAs who support your instrument Look at numbers, role changes (e.g. Percy), etc. Check draft schedule to see demand for upcoming semester and see if we have the right number to support instruments
John is on vacation Jim will be gone for SPIE and week after Carolyn will also be gone: June 9-28 TLT? Jim is curious to see charter Carolyn: Rich is gone this week, he spoke with members last week Intention to meet next week when he is back Talk more at next SA meeting?
1:20 | How do we want to use SharePoint? | Josh | Are we going to migrate any content? Is there utility in SP that we should start using? Josh: based on earlier meeting, the only utility I saw is possibly sharing FITS files with observers, but not clear Jim: Trying to find out if twiki materials will be migrated Rosalie: www is supposed to go away. Josh: Should we think about how we want to build instrument web pages in the future Jim will communicate needs to computer support to make sure instrument web pages are on the radar SharePoint will not be used for general public facing info
1:45 | Role of the KNIT meeting? | Josh | Should we use the KNIT for more tactical instrument tasks? Should we meet more often as a result? Brainstorm instrument tasks to put on the KNIT board? How should we balance short term and long term tasks? InstTechs do take direction from instrument engineers, but that is not the only group that tasks them. Jim: we should clarify that instrument tasks have priority Should we have instrument night log ticket discussions at each SA meeting? What would goals be? ID concerns: determine if there are mitigations and what priority should be Is this a thing which can be fixed? Jim: time lost on sky isn’t the only important metric
Percy: how do observers get data? Are we seeing consistent use of RTI? Jim: could focus on tickets without responses Night log review meeting lends itself to focusing on time critical issues Our group could try to take on long term annoyance or inefficiency issues Josh: will volunteer to present something on MOSFIRE for this at an upcoming meeting to be identified → Do this next two meetings anyway
2:13 | Backup Power on Summit | Greg | KPF is backed up from K1 computer room IR Comb not on UPS He Compressors and CCRs are on UPS Questions about Lion batteries at summit In remote ops, only floor power is on UPS, not wall outlets On summit, orange outlets are “clean” power (on UPS) Generator is past nominal life, but has been only very lightly used No load test has been done Timescale for generator to spin up and cover everything is something like 10 minutes, not 5 minutes
Jim: lets write up summit basement power needs and Jim will take it to Jeff H., John B., etc. Greg to try to confirm where power is coming from for IR AstroComb Kyle: Overloaded UPS can transmit more transients
2:34 | Pau! | | Next Lead: Jim |